“Anwar in Sarawak on the 30th”

Apa dia buat disini..? Sumber berkata Anwar cari Jam Omega di Serikin…hahaha

It seems that Anwar will be in Kuching on the 30th of March to announce some of the candidates and the number is Taibs Favourite No which is 9. Besides that he will be giving to the candidates “$900,000.. each”  to wrestle this 9 winnable seats.

 Is this the carrot to tempt the PKR candidate for shopping..?? Will BN candidates be tempted..? Surely, someone must be just pushing up the numbers of ringgit available as Baru Bian on the other hand seems to be asking for donation. 

 Baru Bian must have been too tired to wait for the $$$$$$ from PKR Headquaters or the financiers and thats why he is quietly looking at alternatives for funding the Sarawak elections.

Goes to show that in desperate times people might use other measures to find solutions and answers. Wow..!! Any takers for Anwars $900 K..??   

Surely the BN will not be fooled by the offer on the table if there is any. What else will they come up with next.?  By the way for those who dont know where Serikin is please “google’ it up.

The press will have a field day on the 30th and the political boys from BN will be watching and having their ears on the ground. 

Anwar should have just come on the 1st of April shouldn’t he..??