Assistant Minister Unscathed In A Driving Incident

Assistant Minister for Youth Development and Housing  YB Karim Hamzah officiated the Borneo Auto Great Wall “Wingle 5” auto show this morning at the “Travillion” in Kuching Sarawak.

He was impressed with the SUV eventhough he was involved in the “incident” which made the vehicle turned “turtle”. The driver was hurt and he was sent to hospital for a further checkup. Reporters and guests were at the scene of the incident.


23 July 2013 20:45
This video is recorded during our Tour in Kuching. During a normal routine stunt by our professional driver an incident during a H5 demo run at the Great Wall tour of Borneo in Kuching involving YB En. Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah, Assistant Minister of Social Development for Youth Development & Assistant Minister of Housing along with VIP’s from GWM happened this morning. Everyone in the H5 walked way without any injuries. The H5 was executing a reverse flick flip over it roof and landed on its side. Though the H5 was damaged but the strength design and quality of build of the body shell minimised the risk of injury to its occupants. This is also a visual proof of the quality of our Great Wall vehicle. Please ignore all the rumours spread by irresponsible parties in all forms of Media. Thank you. Shared by: Youtube (AMCSB76) Steven
Length: 1:51

Click HERE to see :-

10-A Crookshank” TORNADO IN KUCHING “


It was a lazy Sunday afternoon drive and as we passed the SUPP headquarters at 12.15pm an sms came in,” where are you going brother…?? We turned in to Crookshank road enroute to my dads residence. Suddenly there was this Very Loud Bang ,Bang ,Bang and Boom Boom.


We were just a few metres away from the Incident at No.10A Crookshank Road. Miraculous escape from the Uncle standing to open the door for his grandson and the two ladies who were in the Perodua Myvi. The driver of the Wira said to audie61..It was just like the movies’ Tornado- seeing a car flung into the sky and on top of my car. The lady driver said she cannot recall how it happened and also,” I was not on the handphone. I hit some loose stones on the road and also the fire hydrant and thats why the car flew..”

Wow! Im lucky and so are all of us. No one is hurt and THANK  GOD. Just has to happen at 10-A after the MCA EGM dramatic result..hmmmm