DAP Nga Kor Ming…For Real..???

1ngaWhen Lim Sian See posted the article below he must have his reasons. Well, truth be told if DAP Member of Parliament Nga Kor Ming said that he will certainly be banned to enter the State of Sarawak as CM Adenan does not like bigots,extremists and troublemakers.

Our CM Adenan will ensure that he thoroughly check the facts first as we know he practises,”I always believe that a man is guilty until proven so,if you believe that a man who is guilty the moment he is accused there will be PROBLEM..

 Let us all check our facts and stop all the HATRED by being rationale.

The extracted article from the Facebooker…Lim Sian See ( a shoe profile)ashoe1

” I seldom get angry – especially over online stuff – but i am furious about this.

The most useless MP from DAP strikes again. The page bearing his name which he claims is run by unnamed fans and not by him or DAP, has completely slandered Sarawak CM with a juvenile RBA-level edit to scold Chinese.

MCMC and PDRM should call the MP in and investigate him. The MP must either give up the names of those people running it or report to FB that someone had misused YB Nga’s “good” name to hasut and ask FB to shut down the page.

Actually, many people already have evidence on who is running that page. A certain Chong from Taiping is the culprit and many people know that – so no point to hide.

In any case, the cowardly MP also shared this picture on his personal FB page – thus he can no longer deny that he does not know about this:https://www.facebook.com/ngakorming/posts/10205717980012162

DAP people are a bunch of racist idiots who will also use race issues to incite anger and hate.

Why are these idiots still free to keep inciting hatred among the people? What is MCMC and PDRM doing?

Don’t be surprised or act in mock surprise if Sarawak also bans your sorry ass for going to their state.

I hope the Chinese in Sarawak can see this and reject DAP for their continuous racist politicking and teach them a lesson.




Open Up,Masing Tells Ibans


Article extracted from Borneo Posts on line

Ibans should not remain parochial but instead be more open.

Land Development Minister Tan Sri Datuk Amar Dr James Masing, who is also Baleh assemblyman, said they should open up so as not to put restrictions on themselves.

“The Iban mentality which only allows for a candidate from their respective constituency to contest restricts Iban human resource from being fully harnessed in politics.

“For example, only an Iban from Baleh is tolerated to stand as candidate for Baleh state constituency. This strong regionalistic feeling restricts good lban or Dayak leaders from contesting in other areas,” he pointed out.

He gave this advice when launching ‘Persatuan Warga Emas Kapit’ and ‘Leaders with the people’ programme organised by the Welfare Department that was held at Rumah Ngiang, Nanga Sepako, Sungai Majau, Baleh recently.

The two-day programme was to launch the association and encourage those above 55 years old to take up a healthy lifestyle.

“The Malays or Chinese voters don’t put such restriction on themselves. Thus, mobility in politics exists among them and their leaders are fully used. Any good leader from these groups can stand in any constituency and win.

For example, Lim Kit Siang, DAP member of Parliament, stood in Johor, away from his home area. He could also win,” he pointed out.

“Until the Dayaks reduce their strong regionalistic feelings, we as communities, will not be able to tap fully into our political human resources. The Dayaks in general, haven’t learnt to abide by leaders’ decision.

“The tendency to question and later go against their leaders’ decision, to prove their point, becomes a hindrance to Dayak political cohesiveness. The element of trust to those in authority is not there yet among the Dayaks,” he added.

All Will be Settled

aa1135Much have been said about seat distribution. Only CM Sarawak and the BN hierarchy can settle it at the “Round Table”. There has been too much slagging and dirty linens thrown at each other between Barisan Component parties and their BN friendly counterparts. Certainly it does not look “HEALTHY” as sporadic infighting will only jeopardize the preparations.

The Bigger picture is getting a FRESH mandate for Barisan Nasional Sarawak under the New Man on top and that is Adenan Satem. The enemy is not within and a senior political leader have echoed this sentiment as he is doing his utmost to keep the “warring factions” on a leash or else all hell will break loose. This will be very detrimental to the Barisan Nasional  and the saying.”CRISIS means OPPORTUNITIES must not be ignored and it iwill be capitalised and cashed in by the Opposition Fronts.

Adenan will be RUTHLESS at the best of times when he needs to be and he will not let it get out of hand. He has been harping on “GIVE ME 5 MORE YEARS” which in itself is a double edged sword. He is after all the appointed Chief Minister until he has the FRESH MANDATE he is still under the rule of the thumb from the former boss.

This is the truth and nothing will stop Adenan from moving his Political Road Map to suit his next 5 years and the way his administration on how Sarawak will be governed.

Whatever and Whoever stands in his way as he battles through will be dropped or realigned. His inner circles will whisper sweet nothings to his ears but he will carefully go through the lists until he is certain of the peoples representative candidates who have the “Winnability/Credibility and Likebility” to win their respective seats. Remember Adenan was the Chief Hatchet Men under the former CM and as such he knows the way to SCORE A GOAL and win instead of kicking into an own goal.

 It will be SETTLED sooner rather than later and Adenan will see to that. Believe Me and all the BN Component leaders will sleep easy soon as Adenan has the final jigsaw …


Urang Ngenak Cawat Enda Nemu Ngundi

pas2Article first published in April 5th 2011. As long as  Abdul Hadi Awang  is still the President of PAS, he should not be allowed into Sarawak for his words which are downgrading the Dayaks. BN Sarawak supporters have not forgotten about it.

It will be good for the State Government to also enforce the ban for him not to step foot into Sarawak too says a Senior Dayak leader.


BALA KABAN URANG BA SARAWAK, ANANG KTAI MUDAH LUPA ngau nama di sebut President PAS maya sida parti pembangkang alah bak pilihanraya mit Batang Ai taun 2010. Tu dipadah iya…….

“Semua pilihanraya mit sebedau tu keputusan ia nuju ngagai ktai. Semina di Batang Ai aja ktai alah laban sidak ia ndak nemu reti ka ngundi, ngena cawat agi. Aku ukai ka ngenyaik ke cdak ya tapi bak ditok tempat ke lebih manah gamal agi, ngundi PAS.”

Tuk kumen ari siko urang ke dipadah ahli ulamak ngau urang besai (ketua) ari sebuah parti islam bak Malaysia. Patut ndak kah urang ke “beriman” ngau urang ke besai (ketua) ari parti tau berjako utai baka tuk?

Kangau bala ktai Dayak “ngena cawat agi” reti ya nunjuk ke iya sigi nadai sensitif ngau peduli ngagai ktai bala-bala pribumi bak negeri Sarawak tuk. Ukai aja iya nyindir ke ktai madah ke bala ktai pribumi bak Sarawak tu bodo ngau enda nemu pikir laban nadai ngundi ke sida pembangkang, utai dijako iya sigi bisi reti ngau sida bala urang ke nyukong Pakatan Pembangkang bak Sarawak terutama skali sida Parti SNAP ngau Parti Keadilan Rakyat ke sigi besai bala kaum dimaksud ke President tuk.

Ari pikiran baka tuk meh ktai ulih nemu Urang besai (President) tuk nadai layak ka ngulu atau menerajui negeri Sarawak yang sigi mayuh kaum ke berbilang bangsa idup aman walaupun sida ia lain-lain pemikir pasal politik.

Jaku baka tuk ulih ngemecahbelah ngau ngenimbul ke jaik pikir ari bala-bala rakyat ktai ditu.

Angka ya ingat ke urang ke “pakai molek” atau ngenak sluar dalam jak ke nemu milih pewakil.Tapi anang enda ingat sitik ari ilak ya dirikpu ke ngenak cawat “pampers” laban enda ulih ngetat ke utai ti kak pansut….

Parti PAS ngau Parti Pembangkang lain harus nulak utai baka tu awak ke keamanan ngau pemanah negeri Sarawak ulih kelal.Semua bala kaum pribumi Sarawak sama-sama nulak pengering ngau penengking kaum ari cidak tuk.ngundi cidak ya tu sama jak baka ngundi ke urang ke ngemelik ke ktai urang-urang bak Sarawak tuk.

(First published in 2010. As long as Hadi Awang  is still the President of PAS he should not be allowed into Sarawak for his words which are downgrading the Dayaks. BN Sarawak supporters have not forgotten about it. )

( Bahasa Version)
It will be good for the State Government to also enforce the ban for him not to step foot into Sarawak too says a Senior Dayak leader.
ORANG SARAWAK, JANGAN MUDAH LUPA dengan kata-kata President PAS bila parti pembangkang kalah di pilihanraya kecil Batang Ai tahun 2010.
Ini kata-kata beliau…. “Semua pilihanraya kecil sebelum ini keputusannya memihak kepada kita. Cuma di Batang Ai sahaja kita kalah sebab mereka ini tidak reti undi, pakai cawat lagi. Saya bukan nak hina tetapi tempat yang pakai molek, undi PAS.”
Ini adalah komen dari seseorang yang dikatakan ahli ulamak dan ketua sebuah parti islam di Malaysia.
Patutkah orang yang dikatakan “beriman” dan ketua sebuah parti membuat kenyataan seperti ini?
Memanggil kaum Dayak “pakai cawat lagi” menunjukkan bahawa beliau tidak sensitif dengan kaum-kaum pribumi di Sarawak.  Bukan sahaja dia secara sinis mengatakan bahawa kaum pribumi di Sarawak bodoh dan tidak berakal kerana tidak mengundi parti pembangkang, kenyataan tersebut juga mengena kepada penyokong-penyokong Pakatan Pembangkang sendiri di Sarawak terutama nya parti SNAP dan Parti Keadilan Rakyat yang sebilang besar nya dari kaum yang dimaksudkan President ini.
Persepsi seperti ini menunjukkan bahawa beliau atau parti pembangkang lain tidak layak menerajui negeri Sarawak yang merangkumi berbilang kaum yang selama ini hidup dengan aman damai, walaupun berlainan pendapat politik.
Kenyataan ini boleh memecahbelah dan menimbulkan sentimen perkauman dikalangan rakyat disini.
Mungkin beliau ingat orang yang “pakai molek” atau pakai seluar dalam sahaja yang pandai memilih wakil.  Jangan lupa satu hari nanti mungkin dia sendiri perlu pakai cawat “pampers” sebab tak boleh kontrol apa yang keluar…
Parti PAS dan Parti Pembangkang lain mesti ditolak sebulat-bulatnya agar keharmonian dan kesejahteraan negeri Sarawak dapat dikekalkan.  Semua kaum pribumi Sarawak sama-sama tolak keangkuhan serta penindasan kaum mereka ini.  Mengundi mereka sama seperti menyokong tindakan mereka memperkecil and menindas kaum-kaum di Sarawak.
Bangsa PriBumi Sarawak,  Ayuh bangun… lawan dan hancurkan perjuangan penderhaka bangsa ini.

“ENCROACHMENT into BN/SUPP Designated Seat. ?”

UPP have no choice whatsoever but to create a ” hoo-haa” and a “huge wave” in order to wrestle the  candidacy from BN/SUPP says a popular political figure familiar with the Batu Kawa constituency.
What was however very disturbing was the statement put up by Jerip Susil,”admitting that winning Batu Kawah state constituency would be a challenging task for UPP in the coming state elections, that as time goes by the people would believe the sincerity and struggle that is for all races and religion.”
img-20151127-wa0005.jpgWhat was he trying to say? Why are you still saying challenging task? If he was a hardworking PEMANCA surely the people would not blink an eye but to vote him against the DAP incumbent Christina?

Even UPP President has outlined 4 qualities which outlines him to be a good leader and candidate for the state constituency of Batu Kawa. Wong even spoke on what Liu has done over the years, the party was very confident that he would be one of the most winnable candidate. Hold on here, says our political figure,” didn’t Liu say this,”I remember when I was entrusted with this difficult task of setting up this branch.I was not confident at all and I was worried.”

Wasn’t he an SUPP Pemanca? Such contradictory statements? 

This will be one of the points which the State Barisan Nasional committee would have to look into.

SUPP does have a “winnable candidate” in current Chairman of Padawan Municipal Council in Lo Khere Chiang who have been serving the area of jurisdiction since 2008.

There have been hardly any complaints of his sloppiness, high handedness or arrogance. He has been quietly working into the hearts and minds of the people in the area which he was entrusted to look into. He is very much a party man and a true loyalists to the party even though many are “pouring oil to the fire” and saying he is not ‘cut to withstand the DAP onslaught unlike Liu who will be able to fight tooth and nail against DAP.


The political figure even said,”Liu has resigned as a Pemanca and now going full time and on what grounds will he use now for the next few months to go about assisting the people of Batu Kawa? Will he be using the party to force his way with the authorities? Surely, he has jumped the gun thinking that he is the most winnable candidate? What’s more the CM Adenan has mentioned most winnable incumbents didn’t he? Is Liu an incumbent for that matter and moreover the party is outside the Barisan Nasional?

UPP candidates of Wong Soon Koh, Jerip Susil, Johnnicol Rayong, Ranum Mina should concentrate on their seats instead of Encroaching into SUPP designated areas. UPP Vice Chairman and Youth Chief Johnicol Rayong on April 13th 2015 said,”said it was state BN chairman cum Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Adenan Satem who broke the news about retaining them as BN candidates in the next state polls”.

It does seem that UPP is going after all the 19 seats which SUPP has laid claimed upon. Its going to be a war zone as the other 3 BN parties have gone for “one for all and all for one

Lo Khere Chiang will let his actions do the talking and he will not be deterred by all the politicking that his surrounding his quests for the most winnable candidate. He knows that CM Adenan wants to win Batu Kawa as DAP only scrapped through in the last elections after an Assistant Minister Tan Joo Pooi losts to a first timer Christina Chiew by  543 votes. Batu Kawa used to be a stronghold for SUPP and Adenan knows that the winnable candidate he has in mind does need to weave the magic wand from his hand.

The battle lines are drawn and Lo will need Tan Joo Pooi and the SUPP hierarchy on his side if he is picked. Liu for all his keeness and “hoo-hahs” will need to sit back and give a helping hand to BN SUPP or he will say ‘goodbye” to his political dreams of being a YB or an MP. Adenan will not minced his words when the time comes and he will pick his most winnable,suitable and credible candidate for this Batu Kawa State seat.

Adenan knows to unseat DAP he will need all the factions to compromise for the better good of BN. He will not let this chance slip from his grasps and he would very much want Batu Kawa to be taken back by BN and in the main stream politics.



SPDP or just PDP soon?

SPDP or PDPA source told audie61 that very soon SPDP will be doing away with ‘S” in front. We asked what’s the reason for that? “Oh, the party is rebranding and its going national. The new symbol will be similar to the shaking hands image. ” Further  conversation on SPDP revealed that there are uncertainties and this rebranding process could propel the party to have more prominent politicians joining the bandwagon.

Could the Alexander Asing rumour be true then? Surely, if the party loses its “Sarawak” the Division Chief and his supporters from the hinterland of Marudi would not want to be involved or be associated with bringing a Peninsular entity into the state when the “Sarawak for Sarawakians” passion is so strong at the moment. Moreover, why must SPDP be involved in following PBS a Sabah party extending its wings nationally. Could the party be playing into a political agenda?

Of course, SPDP will deny all this but one must remember,”if there is no wind, the leaves on the trees will not move.” They will also argue , we are united in one mind and heart with the other BN parties going into the state elections and we are also looking into a merger entity with PRS.

Surely, we all know that in politics anything is possible and the most common statement would be “we are doing it for the nation and the people” Isn’t that familiar? Keep informed and our source said if it doesn’t materialise that will only mean ‘its not the right time”

SPDP or PDP its here to stay……



Adenan wants Stronger Mandate..!!

adenan1CM Adenan doesn’t mince his words. He knows that in his “maiden election” as Commander in Chief his team needs to put up an impressive showing.Of course, the political vultures will rip into his bones if he does no better than his predecessor.

Adenan’s so called advisors will say we dont need to read into the results but in any elections even if you win the facts and figures matters as they NEVER Lie.
Adenans words of ,”so that KL will listen to Adenan as he speaks for Sarawak people behind him” is nothing but the Truth.

Its a return to the old ways of FEDERALISM says a veteran editor and current cyber critic.
Truth be told ,” Whatever happens in the next Sarawak Elections will have no bearing on the GE14.” This Sarawak elections will have the Federal leaders ready to barge in if Adenan does badly.
Sarawakians have always been realistic and they ensure that their Livelihood plus Bread and Butter issues are addressed. At the moment their eyes are  focussing on him. The sad truth though is here to stay.
Urbanites & Semi rural voters will not come back or swayed to BN as the local infighting between the parties of SUPP , UPP , SPDP & TERAS remains a “prickly ” affair. Adenan needs to win handsomely
“hensemness” in the rural areas with increase in majorities to balance popularity. The Mandate is achievable of course with 2/3rd majority but could a New Alliance be a REALITY after the election.
This will be a coup but we leave that to another article. Stay focus for now.

The battle ground is now fertile and the opposition are making headways in the semi rural enclaves and no one can deny the fact. Adenan knows that too and his political analysts do not need to cream up to him and give him the “beautiful picture that it is not.

Adenan have had a panoramic view of the opposition when his predecessor was leading the way. He was standing with the arrows and bows hitting the targets. Now his TEAM are being whipped into place to withstand the many adversaries that they will face. His timing and getting them all set and ready to go into battle will be absolutely vital.

The WIND which Adenan has managed to whip up like a desert storm of UU or Oooh Ha’s are a reality check for every Sarawakian Voter.

Will you be a part of the MANDATE that Adenan seeks? You know better than any keyboard cyber analysts. Honestly, we know though, that Adenan doesn’t mince his words..

Choose wisely and don’t forget this article when you casts your votes very soon in Sarawak elections.



“Ugliness and Hatred on Line-“

Extracted fully and This is an opinion from Sarawakian Edgar Ong

If you have an account on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram you would have noticed that there are far too many postings showing people sharing news, images, videos and personal opinions about subjects verging on the edge of being censored – some due to their opinionated sense of perversion or twisted perspective or insane ideas and views.

Most of the time you find yourself bombarded with ugly, nasty and unpleasant images, news and videos. I am talking about pictures and photographs of abused infants, minors, pets and animals. I am also including those barbaric and savage images and videos of heads and limbs and other bodily parts being chopped off.

Bad news sells. That’s what is basically bringing in the eyeballs into Facebook and Twitter accounts, and some delight in seeing their posts being seen or “Liked” so many times as if they are trying to break their own personal best record!

Why indeed are people sharing so much ugliness and hatred? Is it the shock-value factor that they are after? Is it an inner sense of feeling good about themselves that they are above all this? Or is it some grotesque and twisted sense of satisfaction about showing off to others what they feel is wrong with the world at large?

Perhaps only a psychiatric observation can give us the answer.

Wouldn’t the world be a better and nicer place if we, or at least the majority of us, share good things – the joyful, the beautiful, the caring and the loving news and images that we have seen, read or viewed?

Many friends suggested that we should share more of the good things in life – how to be better parents, better companions; how to live a healthier life; how and what to do with your free time and the list is endless.

We can share about food and drinks, music and reading; travel and cooking – even share news of family and friends and how they are doing and what you’ve been up to. Surely all this is a lot better than being just being a constant voyeur and peeping Tom into other people’s nastiness, ugliness and bad tidings?

Six months ago, I started a Facebook page called “Kuching Flood Feedback” specifically for those who had wanted to share and inform others about the flood situation in and around Kuching. Within a few weeks it had taken off and grown popular and had over 500 members.  When the flood situation improved I thought of closing it down.

Many members implored me to keep the page alive as it proved to be of value and interest to them, so I renamed it Sarawak Public Feedback, and increased the forum’s coverage area to Sarawak, to also include other subjects of public interest.

Today, there are 7,694 members not just from Kuching or indeed Sarawak. The subject matter now also includes public policies and politics.

Sarawak election is hot topic on Sarawak Facebook pages
Sarawak election is hot topic on Sarawak Facebook pages

No prizes for guessing what subject is now the hottest topic on Sarawak Public Feedback. It’s Malaysian politics – with a slant towards Sarawak, of course. Members get all hot and bothered and threads extend into the hundreds when it comes to debating issues from ‘Sarawak for Sarawakians’ to ‘Najib’s scandals’ to ‘Adenan’s popularity’.

Other non-politically minded members try their best to contribute, from time to time, their posts about local history, culture, food, places to visit and so on, but these posts amount to less than 20 per cent of total postings.

Sadly, social media, instead of sharing the good things in life, has become a platform for people to sound off – and when they do that it’s usually about politics and bad news.

BN Plus will do “More Harm than Good” to CM

auuuuThe Rural Bastion of BN will only be secured if there are no infighting amongst BN parties and its grassroots. That is the rule of politics and it cannot be more specific than that

The younger set of dayak educated intellectuals and voters are now weighing all the options and they are slowly and surely a force not to be taken lightly.

A number of them when interviewed by audie61 said,” yea we have high respect for CM Adenan but  6% GST, 1MDB,currency exchanges, high prices of goods , plus political instability does not help Mr.UU.”

His rhetorics are well received but he needs to ensure that the TERAS & SPDP loggerheads must be solved before elections is called. 8 seats on offer and seriously, if dissatisfaction sets in it will allow the opposition to capitalise.

CM Adenan with over 30 years of experience knows the Opposition well enough but he has reservations on the voters.His warcry of “Bagi saya Peluang 5 tahun lagi” is certainly well thought of but its the infighting amongst BN members which will turn to “hollow” victory if there are major losses.

Surely, his recent meetings with Tiong King Sing have set the wheels in motion for an amicable solution. The top leaders might be hugging each other but the 2nd echelon leaders would be aggrieved if Mawan does take a step back to his former bastion of SPDP.

Politics anything is possible and we wouldnt be surprised if CM thanks Mawan and Tiong for putting differences aside for the better good of BN Sarawak.

Stay tune for more….!!!!

BN PRS/SPDP/TERAS “Merger of Minds”

Does everything come a full circle? Not everything, but most of it. Well, are you going to dispel the fact that all the leaders of these three parties will go back to their beginning into ONE BIG ENTITY.


A senior SPDP politician Datuk Paul Igai was quoted,” he expected a “major development” to take place before state elections are called. TERAS Supreme Council member concurred and called it ,”merger of the minds” Tan Sri James Masing was cautious in his choice of words,”“Let’s see what are the reactions of our members first to the merger proposal”

At the recent PBB MKT meeting on the 16th August 2015 CM Adenan was asked a question,”Have you indicate to other parties to prepare for elections. I do that all the time he said.” But he added and “TO RESOLVE THEIR DIFFERENCES…..it could be seen that the Deputy President and Senior Vice President of PBB Abang Johari and Awang Tengah nodded with agreement with the CM Adenan.

An argument put forward by a BN sympathiser,”Will PBB allow this merger of minds to happen? The dayaks will all be housed in one big house and they will be a threat to PBB. Of course if you look at the political mathematics that would not even be a threat as PRS 9 Seats, SPDP 8 seats only totals to 17 seats, SUPP are by consensus allocated 19 seats while PBB 35 seats.

It must be noted though that politicians by and large will follow the flow of the river and will not try to go against the current to stay alive politically. PBB with 35 seats will of course be fearful of SUPP/PRS/SPDP combination but has the TERAS and UPP card at the moment to play with.

Adenan still requires a fresh MANDATE and he will need his executors to move and solve both issues and affecting the parties concerned or to come out with a BOLDER APPROACH OF “merger of minds entity in PRS/SPDP/TERAS. Solving the rural based parties problems would see PBB and the new entity winning,winning back losts seats and maintaining the grip for Barisan Nasional.

19 seats which are allocated to SUPP which the majority have been taken over by DAP will see the dominant Chinese Urban based parties slugging it out between SUPP/DAP/UPP/independants which according to a Chinese analyst ‘the bests man win”. Chinese voters are being enticed he said by Adenans call for greater control of Education for the state which is good no doubt. However this are just populists statements and one would wonder what DAP or the opposition pact would come out with come election day.

One clear indicator would be,” Will the BN Federal Government dare to answer the EDUCATION question?” if they are tight-lipped over the education issue, the analyst said the tables will not turn for the BN candidate to make much impact against the DAP. The issues at hand with the higher prices for goods, ringgit spiralling out of control and other factors will affect the urban cyber savvy voters.

As for the rural seats its not so much that the leaders of the political parties are at logger heads but the constant pushing, back biting and annoyance comes form those second echelon leaders. A senior leader said to us,”  if you look at SPDP/TERAS its people like Robert Ayu, Alexander Asing, Banyi Beriak who wants to stand and be a candidate and knows that with BN ticket in Sarawak chances of winning in the rural areas is 60%. Who doesn’t want to be BN Assemblyman? Mawan,Tiong have their own seats in ADUN and MP and they are comfortable in their own right”

So the question is who are making it impossible for the parties to merge or at bests to see the SPDP/TERAS combination back to its former glory? One political pundit remarked,” Did you know that Tiong and Mawan as friends had “cha kueh tiaw” together in KL after the Parliament sitting? Of course we would say,true or not which is commonly asked  plus are you trying to create a friction for Mawan and the other TERAS aasemblyman?”

It does seem that some Sarawak based Peninsular Bloggers up to no good again. Our political pundit says PBB/BN  knows who they are and they should not meddle in Sarawak affairs.Moreover they are not fine tuned to the local cultures even though some are married or have decided to live in Sarawak. Our political culture is now being tested to the fullest as the ‘minds have been bombarded with more lies, allegations, defamation and names selling.

He continued,”Truth can become Untruth while Rumours can become Truth” All these political movement are for the “BETTER GOOD OF BN SARAWAK” Some who yearn for political standing will need to wait for their turn as the road deviates and they need also to fine tune to the Sarawak political landscape.  

It’s not something new on the political mergers and we all are not too excited about it. Or are we? Even one of the executors from PBB  looks at it as a Unity of the Dayaks? Certainly if it happens we will witness the history of A FULL POLITICAL CIRCLE .{ chronology:- Sunday 16th August 2015 SPDP seriously talked about merger. PRS initiated the idea very much earlier in 2006 but was given cool reception (vice-versa). Today 20th Augusts 2015 its all splashed in the mass/media.}

Adenan would be saying to us all oooo ha, ooooha, ooooha U U…. Case solved...Thanks for giving me another 5 years as CM Sarawak”