We don’t have the “LUXURY”!!

How Real is the Political Threat to the 4 Parties within Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) asks a registered voter especially from the Federal Run Pakatan Harapan (PH) and an independent local based party PSB plus the others who will join in the fray in PRN12.

Logically and Politically if GPS he says is really not even sensing a threat as the Ruling State Government the CM Sarawak Abang Jo{AJ) would just be receiving visitors, exchanging ideas with Business Entrepreneurs and Investors at the 22nd Floor or be on Trade Missions Overseas getting in Foreign Investments into Sarawak.

Why then is he criss crossing Sarawak at such a momentum? Moreover, he himself
has already mentioned to the press media that PRN12 would not be so soon.

Could he we ask that he is moving around to gauge for himself the TRUE PICTURE on the ground and not listen to just hear-says that all is well on the ground.

AJ and his deputies and Ministers has worked non stop to boost not only the economy but also ensuring development is carried out to areas which needs them.

The other main reason which is of great bother and a PH Propaganda is that the murmurs and whispers have reached “fever pitch” that he is after all not as “Strong” as the previous Sarawak CM.

Deputy CM Uggah has also stood steadfastly with his party president and urged people to saty UNITED and COOPERATE with the CM AJ by supporting his various development programmes.
No doubt,AJ has to work doubly hard to win over the support of his party PBB members and those within the coalition.
All looks pretty well for GPS on the surface but the truth is AJ is going all out to convince the Sarawak Voters.He does not want to sit on the rightful chair without proving his mettle that his “political maneuverings” is the best for GPS.

Lately though, there has been an upsurge of not too kind words being hurled by the parties within GPS Coalition especially clamoring for seats which they termed “traditional”

We wrote earlier that PH is already more a less making it a Wild Wild West Show.

The link:- https://audie61.wordpress.com/2020/01/05/wild-wild-westwww-prn12-sarawak/

Within the GPS fold there certainly are some who are trying also trying to grab what is theirs without thinking of the consequences.

luxuryDoes GPS has the LUXURY to do that and emulate the “Gung Ho Politiking” of the PH and others?

The enemy are just at their doorsteps.

Have some “politicians”forgotten about what happened during the last parliamentary elections?
These “supposedly” safe seats which was due to political misadventure Fell to the Opposition fold and from May 2018 they became the PH Federal Government and ousted BN and GPS was subsequently born.

The leaders who practised and preach “traditional” seats must look closely at the threats closing down on them.

Even campaign methodology are pushed up a hundred fold. In this PRN12 claiming seats for GPS must not be just for “Selfish Ends or on an PERSONAL EGO” trip.

The New Sarawak Political Landscape and History will change if the BIGGER PICTURE is not well received by all 4 parties concerned going into PRN12.

The Breakdown of Political Parties after PRN11


PBB-  47
PRS-  11
PDP –  3

DAP -7
PKR -3

Independent Party

PSB -4

Let us refresh our minds how some parties have increased their party strength and their assemblyman after PRN11.

The so called direct candidate was also used by late CM Adenan to ensure all parties are represented, strengthened and maintain a cutting edge to win the seats in PRN11

Everyone was given a fair share of seats and candidates to win the seats which they stood in. There was a consensus of agreement that whoever wins have the right to choose the party of their choice. Thereafter the result was a forgone conclusion.

The direct candidates chose the parties of their choice and this was agreed by ALL TOP LEADERS.

A Political Emeritus Professor has even this to add in.”If the leaders of GPS maintain their stance and are like square pegs in a round hole they will END UP as History.

He further mentioned its  already the age of twitter,instagram, telegram, whatsapp and Facebook but some of our Politicians have not moved with the times but stuck in their so called ‘TRADITIONAL’ mindset when local elections are won not by internal bickerings nor “surat layang2”

Even AJ the CM is always mentioning “digital technology and economy”

Are they seriously looking at the BIGGER PICTURE with him?

The traditional methods of campaigning through newspapers has outlived its age.
The new trend setters are the portals the social media influencers and they will WHACK any politician left, right and give them a total blue eye where they wouldnt know what HIT them.
The PH will use all their might against GPS Coalition as they have their resources at their disposal.
We know too GPS does have the machinery and passionate teams. The FEAR would be ultimately be when the ‘bombs drop” i.e accusations, allegations and Fake news during the campaign period thrown into the PRN12 Arena .

If we are all Not United or in Total Solidarity there will be CHINKS IN THE ARMOUR where PH could capitalise.

The internal threats or Infighting will cause Greater threats than the “Termites” which apparently refers to a local based party were the final words from the Emeritus Professor.

A Deputy President of PH party has clearly said previously prior to 2011 elections that squabbles, staking of seats will lead to infighting which will jeopardise the Coalition. They put a stop to all their seat infighting and compromised.

They did well enough to cause  more than “collateral damage” to the then BN Sarawak Coalition.

Pakatan Rakyat (PR)then did well in 2011 but in 2016 the Adenan U U ooo haa and various policies and his tremor caused them dearly.

GPS as a new coalition will need to look beyond the “TRADITIONAL MODUS OPERANDI” to strike the right chord with the Sarawak Registered Voters.

CM Abang Jo will be the commander in chief leading his team of local based Parties of GPS for the first time.

There must not be any mistakes and if there is a Status Quo of 68 seats or more to GPS CM Abang Jo will know he GOT it right and that is sufficient enough to make a Political Statement that its “Sarawak First”

The registered voter concluded by saying this to GPS,”Now is not the time to claim back the incumbents seats but to FOCUS on winning back lost seats as what SUPP has significantly done.
PDP needs to win back the seats of Krian and Ba’Kelalan and will need all the help from their fellow GPS Leaders and grassroots.”

Only then the effort will not be lost in the eyes of the voters as we know every vote counts for AJ to stake his claim as the Chief Minister of Sarawak.

The LUXURY for GPS will be to ensure that they still have the people’s mandate to lead Sarawak for another 5 years.

Do you agree?

“Wild Wild West”www-PRN12 Sarawak

First of all, let us wish everyone a Happy and Healthy 2020.

This article is greatly inspired by a Former Federal Minister who remarked,”Do we still have leaders like that?” Many would be questioning who he is and why was it said the way he said it.

Of course, as a responsible and social influencer we do have our code of ethics which obviously we would not unveil our ‘whistle blower” as “Elections is Not a Joke!!”

highnoon cowboyThey are safely plus closely guarded and protected under our watch as those who sits as State legislative Representatives and also as Parliamentarians.

Sarawak will go to the polls very soon and May 2018 was a watershed victory for the people who voted in a new coalition government in Pakatan Harapan. Nearly two years has passed and many issues have been highlighted by the press/social media platforms which there is now a COMPARISON for the Voters to make their own judgments and the Choice of Candidates to represent them.

It is a known fact that in politics one will have 30% of their own supporters and 40% will be the Voter Fence Sitters who will make the swing votes. Looking at this statistics and figures one would think PH  would have a cruise come the polls in Sarawak.

PH in the Dewan Rakyat has 28 /70 Senators, State DUNS 289/592 and in Parliament 139/222. Also, they are in control of 8 out of 13 State Governments.They control nearly 30 over Federal agencies who will be used to influence one way or another the voters mind. This all are not good reading for any political analyst going towards a State Elections. A walk in the Park for Pakatan Harapan?

Are the state Government under GPS ready?

Surely, the Chief Minister must weigh all these options and is certain to win before he calls a dissolution of the State legislative assembly to seek a fresh mandate. The CM would use this simply analogy which is,”For a candidate in an election, the most important question is: “How do I make sure the scales tip in my favor?” He has to worry about 82 Aspiring and Incumbent Candidates and the winning margin first past the posts is 42 seats.

When the Deputy chief Minister Douglas Uggah in his New Year message it is a rallying cry for all in GPS no matter which party they belong too. There must be sense of discipline and no matter what GPS must united in this ‘testing and trying times” His message which was also posted in a Face Book Page in Bites Centre received many comments from both sides of the political divide plus wide outreach and readership.   (link here: (https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=956706961395951&id=634556613610989)

It reads,” The opposition will resort to the politics of lies, threat and intimidation to get the people into supporting them.
Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas said the people should be aware of such tactics.
“The aim is to topple the GPS government,”

Has Sarawak GPS done enough for the people and their governance of the State as compared to the Federal Run Administration?

The Comparisons are there and the social media fraternity would not be foolish enough to print this which we extract fully,”is there is much unhappiness with Pakatan Harapan, plus the ruling coalition is very badly divided. Pakatan Harapan has failed to live up to the expectations of those who had put their trust in them and had voted for them in the May 2018 general election.

Its a big impact and for anyone to say that GPS under the former BN Government for 56 years have not done enough must be slapping their own faces. Are you doing it now? Look around yourselves and see how far has Sarawak progress and when we were pressured too by the then Federal Government in BN on “certain issue” ( 5% Tourism Tax, Bible issue} our State MPs and State Legislators made their voices heard VERY LOUD AND CLEAR and were not cowed away.

Is this happening now ? We dont want to sound bias but the ‘sounds coming out are very soft and meek by the PH Sarawak Legislators.

Are you all pointing your fingers at us and if possible trying and about to strangle our necks. Try it out,its good for you.

It’s for the Sarawak Voters to Think Hard as even a Sarawak Chief Minister has come out openly and said,”We are more concerned about our income levels, and creating employment. We should not be bothered about what is happening in that side (Peninsular Malaysia).

That is our priority and that is to help people.”

Significantly, there are concerns now that the Federal Governance is not up to mark as even could be seen with the resignation of the Education Minister. The blame game remains and the trust and responsibility given by the PH supporters and voters is showing a real crack in the coalition.

Voters will be swayed by emotions and sentiments and to capitalize on the ground feel without deliverance of the Development agenda by GPS government would only receive a momentum of backlash which must not be repeated.

CM Abang jo has been very consistent in his statements,“Saya Janji Saya Buat.Bukan Kedak Orang Lain.Janji Sik Buat” 

In Politics we all know you will get criticized whether you will do RIGHT OR WELL. But there is a limit to what we can do and how we do it. There are many who are using #FAKENEWS and #Gutterpolitics just to score brownie points.

The Sarawak Registered voters today are well informed of this trend and any past datas are considered obsolete and they will welcome new ideas and politicians who not only speak but carry out their work.

Gone are the days when aspiring candidates appear as “fly by night” hoping to be considered by their parties when they are hardly seen in the areas of the constituency.

Certainly,this coming PRN12 we will not only see the Big coalition of PH Versus GPS but also other local based parties in PSB,PBK,SWP,STAR,PBDSB,Sedar and interested independent individuals to give themselves a shot to win the seats. Its not impossible as Voters nowadays are very well informed and will be swayed by many factors.

It will be a “High Noon Cowboy Arena” which is infact (the western U.S. in its frontier period characterized by roughness and lawlessness} which in this democratic age should not surface openly.

A sitting YB with GPS coalition calls for a united front from all GPS coalitions to win the SEATS FIRST allocated instead of bickering openly which will be a dampener to all the good work done by the Chief Minister and his present team in the government.

GPS knows extreme measures are required in extreme times and they will trust the judgement.

Its not a time where they want their aspiring candidates or incumbents to be “High Noon Cowboys” and get booted out by the voters where CM Abang Johari will be leading his men for the first time against the onslaught from all quarters.

Abang Johari will want all his men to stop wishing but to continue the work and stand up for the People of Sarawak.

CM knows that all sorts of allegations and accusations will be hurled at GPS but deep down he TRUSTS the Sarawak voters to know who they want to lead them as he seeks a New Fresh Mandate in PRN12.

The Sarawak Registered Voters will be the Judge,Jury and Executioner and not HIGH NOON COWBOYS and they NOW more than ever Demand Leaders who has Sarawak in their hearts and not just for personal or their selfish agendas.

This upcoming PRN12 is not a JOKE and no matter which political divide you are in the difference between winning and losing will come down to the campaign which you as incumbent or an aspiring candidate wins over the community in your constituency.

We will not tell you how so be prepared to work it out and remember it well “Wild Wild West www-PRN12 Sarawak have foretold you so.