“Kitar Semula Topik/Isu”P201

Wah!!!!! Sik ada lain isu ka?


As GE14 draws near “macam-macam” unhealthy statements from the opposition front appears and they seem to be doing only one thing

They have not been able to penetrate the heart and soul of the constituencies mentioned and they will pick up ‘only the ones” they think can score them political and ‘brownie” points.

Is there another agenda being played by someone who is eyeing the seat? Will not want to get into “the matter for now and we leave that to another day if the need arises.

For the information of the general public at large the facts and statistics below don”t lie.


The opposition put up at No.7 which is so irrelevant and in actual fact does not require us to rebuke it. (extracted below)

7.Aku yakin Cikgu Ani hanya berani berkata2 sedemikian dihadapan penduduk kampung semarang dan di kawasannya sahaja.cuba Cikgu Ani mengulangi kata2 ini di hadapan penduduk Shah Alam ataupun di kawasan elite.cuba tengok.”

For the information of the opposition front every constituency have different demographics and the mentality of the people also focus on other needs and wants.

We must be fair in our political statements and to be honest the Minister from Sarawak helming the Women,Community and Development Ministry is doing an exceptional work and her presence is felt not only in Malaysia but throughout the World.

Shouldn’t we be proud of our fellow Sarawakian instead of knocking her down unnecessarily?

The people of her constituency has no reason whatsoever not to give her a fresh mandate and the PM plus the CM Sarawak will consider her to continue.

Iboh bante sesuka hati jak!!!



“The Winning Components Saratok Parliament”

amawan182011 Ali Biju of PKR won Krian against an Assistant Minister by 2090 votes and sent a shiver through and down the spine of BN. It was a wake up call for BN.

The Parliamentary election of 2013 was a testing time for the candidate who was going to be fielded. BN was in sixes and sevens and the intelligence gathered knew that Saratok Parliamentary seat would fall in the hands of PKR if nothing concrete is done.

Mawan was chosen above all other aspiring and the incumbent from SPDP by the Top BN hierarchy. Mawan was the President of SPDP and Assemblyman from Pakan and one would have thought the party machinery and component party members would be strongly behind him. It was otherwise.

Mawan had to import forces from outside  Saratok to campaign for and fight alongside him. The Components and Functionality was not in place to run an election and to win against the opposition. There was so much missing.

Kabong was not even delineated and Kalaka was also unconvinced and sceptical of a Pakan assemblyman going for a Parliamentary seat. All sorts of multiple factors rumour mongering ,backstabbing ,infighting plus BN unfulfilled promises were the order of the day. It’s a completely different ball game against a Krian PKR assemblyman who was on a “high” after defeating a state assistant minister in Peter Nyarok.

Election 2013 Mawan had to match-up and also play catch up with Ali Biju with all the Giant Billborads that PKR have erected to swing the voters to PKR side. The amount of PKR paraphernalia was substantial in a supposedly BN stronghold.

Saratok was deemed a BLACK AREA FOR BN and PKR knows very well and sees there were many sympathisers and dissatisfaction in the ranks of BN. PKR knows a GIANT KILLING ACT is very likely as were too many turncoats and desirable elements hampering Mawans quests for the seat and who also wanted to finish Mawan politically for good.

All done and dusted and Mawan 11,600 votes against Ali’s 9,519 votes to score a majority of 2,081 votes. Mawan knows his tasks had just begun.

He said: “I have to start working right away as the people of Saratok have given me the mandate. The victory for BN also means that the majority of the people want uninterrupted development.”

Has Mawan fulfilled all his promises to date? Where are his Missing components?

Mawan have worked tirelessly and reached out to the people of Saratok and has won the peoples hearts and has the TRUSTS OF BOTH the assemblyman of Kabong and Kalaka. The components were not in place and he too knows that Krian remains a very sore spot for BN.

Mawan knows that he has to win the hearts and minds of the community leaders,wanita and youth of the area. His man on the ground have worked extensively in the opposition dominated State area of Krian

amawan19It is beginning to bear fruit and in one of the functions recently at Rumah Junaidee ak Melina the presence of many community leaders and the speeches which they delivered were music to the ears not only to Mawan but also to his supporters.

Mawan with his inborn charisma ,tirelessly working the ground,non confrontational.non hatred and no animosity towards his detractors have captivated the minds and hearts of the larger Saratok people.

The Krian Saratok community leaders present for the record that day were

  • Penghulu Ali ak.Bin (Awik)
  • Penghulu Anyom ak. Kinyeh (Ulu Krian)
  • Penghulu Latan ak.Ambau (Kabo)
  • Penghulu Isa ak.Geng (Sebetan)
  • Penghulu Garan Chunggot (Krian Tengah)

Also present was Penghulu Empetie from the Kalaka Area. The speech by Janang Ensiring ( a research officer from Tun Jugah Foundation) was very inspiring and he has made Mawan all the more geared up to serve another term as a Saratok Parliamentarian.

Mawan will not take anything forgranted and he knows that Ali Biju will want another shot at this parliamentary seat sooner rather than later. Ali knows that Mawan has a great team now.

Mawan did not have it right away but he build the forces around him and developed it. Mawan has managed to motivate,reinforced and made the team support each other in the Saratok Parliamentary connstituency.

Mawan is hands on,resilient,has a never-say-die attitude and his charm plus charisma has won many in the Saratok area to continue to vote for him.

The CHEMISTRY is there for all to see and Mawan’s WINNING COMPONENTS are collectively standing side by side and practically behind him all the way to retain the Saratok seat



1. Saya sebenarnya tidak pernah berminat untuk membaca apatah lagi membalas coretan politik Aziz Isa dan Dr Kelvin Yii yang saya anggap selama ini hampas dan tidak memberi apa apa kesan kepada pencapaian cemerlang politik PBB di Sarawak. Namun kenyataan berani YB Dato Sri Wan Junaidi baru-baru ini mengenai idola DAP iaitu Tun Mahathir dan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim telah menyebabkan kedua dua Pembantu Politik YB Chong Chieng Jen meroyan tahap gaban dalam FB dan kenyataan di media sosial mereka. Atas dasar kasihan kepada kedua mereka yg jelas telah menunjukkan tahap pengetahuan politik yang amat terbatas dan cetek , maka saya terpanggil untuk menjernihkan kekusutan dan kecelaruan minda mereka.

2. Apa yang dimaksudkan oleh Dato Sri Wan Junaidi bahawa beliau berdiam diri selama 20 tahun adalah berdiam diri dari bercerita mengenai kejadian Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim membaling fail kepada beliau sewaktu dalam satu sesi perbincangan 20 tahun yang lepas di Putrajaya dimana Dato Sri Wan Junaidi memohon agar peruntukan MRP setiap Ahli Parlimen Sabah dan Sarawak ditambah kepada RM 500 ribu seorang. Namun Dato Sri Anwar Ibrahim terus berdiri dan membaling fail ke arah Datuk Sri Wan Junaidi dan berkata ‘ Saya tidak boleh membuang semua duit ke Sabah dan Sarawak ‘. Celarunya otak Aziz dan Dr Kelvin adalah mereka hanya fokus kepada bahagian cerita diamnya Dato Sri Wan Junaidi dari bercerita tentang kisah ini tetapi tidak melihat kepada keseluruhan cerita bahawa Dato Sri Wan Junaidi yang bersuara untuk kepentingan dan keperluan Sabah Sarawak . Aziz dan Dr Kelvin juga secara sengaja tidak melihat bahagian angkuhnya Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim menolak rintihan rakyat yang dibawa oleh Dato Sri Wan Junaidi. Budak Tadika Permata pun boleh faham rentetan cerita ini yang menggambarkan usaha Dato Wan Junaidi yang telah bertindak dan berjuang untuk kepentingan rakyat Sarawak manakala Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim adalah watak antagonis dalam cerita ini. Namun Dato Sri Wan Junaidi atas dasar semangat setiakawan BN tidak menceritakan mengenai insiden ini. Beliu juga percaya kepada perjuangan BN dan tetap terus berusaha sehingga akhirnya sewaktu Pak Lah dan Dato Sri Najib menjadi PM, maka barulah peruntukan pembangunan Ahli Parlimen Sabah dan Sarawak telah ditambah dan diganda seperti yang dipinta.

3. Saya jadi lucu melihat celoteh politik Aziz dan Dr Kelvin yang berulang ulang kali bertanya apa jasa Dato Sri Wan Junaidi kepada Sarawak. Lucu yang hampir membuat saya muntah hijau. Saya selaku pembantu dan Setiausaha Politik kepada Dato Sri Wan Junaidi sejak tahun 2005 sehingga kini amat mengetahui apa yang telah diusahakan oleh beliau untuk rakyat Sarawak. Kepada Aziz dan Dr Kelvin,sila rujuk buku tulisan Dato Sri Wan Junaidi bertajuk ‘A Policeman ‘ , sebelum anda lahir lagi iaitu pada tahun 1969 sehingga 1973 , Wan Junaidi sudah berperang di dalam hutan berhadapan dan menentang komunis. Beliau sewaktu itu berumur 22 tahun dan berpangkat Inspektor dalam Pasukan Polis Hutan telah mengetuai satu platun dan bertempur secara berhadapan dengan komunis dalam 5 operasi.

Beliau telah melihat sendiri bagaimana anak buah platun nya hancur kepala, terkeluar otak dan terburai perut sewaktu bertempur dengan komunis bahkan pernah sekali peluru komunis tersasar betul-betul di atas kepala beliau dan kini, Aziz Isa serta Dr Kalvin bertanya apakah jasa Dato Sri Wan Junaidi ? Aziz, sebesar manakah jasa yang telah anda pula taburkan untuk Sarawak sehingga anda layak untuk mempersoalkan apakah jasa Wan Juanidi kepada Sarawak????

4. Bagaimana mungkin Aziz dan Dr Kelvin boleh mengatakan Dato Sri Wan Junaidi berdiam diri selama 20 tahun sedangkan Wan Junaidi adalah antara Ahli Parlimen BN yang paling lantang dan keras bersuara di Parlimen Malaysia sepanjang tempoh beliau berkhidmat sebagai Yang Berhormat. Sila lah rujuk handsard Parlimen Malaysia anda pasti akan menemui Wan Junaidi dalam rekod hansard yang mana di dalam hampir setiap sidang parlimen beliau akan bercakap membawa isu-isu dari Sarawak. Oleh kerana terlalu lantang itulah maka Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim pernah menyenarai hitam nama Wan Junaidi untuk mewakili Malaysia ke luar Negara selama 6 tahun sehinggalah Pak Lah menjadi Timbalan Perdana Menteri.

5. Wan Junaidi jugalah Ahli Parlimen yang pertama yang menyuarakan dan mencadangkan kepada Parlimen dan Kerajaan Malaysia untuk penubuhan kampus Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) sewaktu sidang Parlimen pada tahun 1991 walaupun beliau telah mendapat amaran dari Anwar Ibrahim selaku TPM masa itu agar tidak membangkitkan isu ini. Wan Junaidi telah berulang ulang kali menbawa usul ini dengan nada yang keras dan turut dibantu oleh Ahli Ahli Parlimen BN Sarawak yang lain sehingga majalah Perempuan pada masa itu telah membuat liputan utama dalam majalah mereka dengan tajuk “ Wan Junaidi MP Batang Lupar Seganas Bujang Senang” sehingga akhirnya UNIMAS ditubuhkan secara rasmi pada tahun 1992. Layakkah Aziz Isa graduan dari UNIMAS mempersoalkan jasa-jasa perjuangan Dato Sri Wan Junaidi? Aziz Isa sebaliknya harus berterima kasih kepada Dato Sri Wan Junaidi…. Aziz Isa harus bertaubat.

6. Sewaktu dialog semua Ahli Yang Berhormat BN dari Sarawak bersama dengan Dato Sri Najib di Bangunan PWTC pada tahun 2012 , Dato Sri Wan Junaidi telah menyatakan kepada Dato Sri Najib mengenai keperluan pembinaan hospital baharu Sarawak dan dalam majlis itu Dato Sri Wan Junaidi telah menyerahkan surat rasmi mengenai cadangan dan permohonan beliau itu. Pada akhir 2012 , Setiausaha Sulit PM iaitu Dato Amir Haron telah menghubungi saya dan memaklumkan bahawa Dato Sri Najib Razak bersetuju untuk meluluskan RM 650 juta untuk pembinaan hospital baharu Sarawak seperti yang dipohon oleh Dato Sri Wan Junaidi. Walaupun projek hospital tersebut yang sekarang ini dinamakan sebagai Hospital Umum Petra Jaya terlewat dari jadual siap namun saya percaya projek ini akan siap jua nanti. Bila Aziz Isa dan Dr Kelvin datang membawa emak dan bapa mereka ke hospital itu nanti maka berterima kasihlah juga kepada Dato Sri Wan Junaidi.

7. Sebenarnya sepanjang pengalaman saya bekerja dengan Dato Sri Wan Junaidi, amat banyak peruntukan dan projek-projek pembangunan rakyat yang telah diluluskan oleh Dato Sri Najib hasil permohonan langsung Dato Sri Wan Junaidi kepada Dato Sri Najib termasuklah kelulusan RM 25 juta untuk membina SK Matu Baru bagi kemudahan pusat pendidikan anak-anak penduduk kampung Bintawa ( telah siap 2013 ), RM 60 juta untuk menyiapkan sekolah SMK Seni Kuching ( telah siap 2015 ), RM 20 juta untuk pembinaan tempat-tempat ibadah di Parlimen Santubong termasuklah masjid, gereja dan dewan masyarakat India, RM 125 juta untuk pembinaan jalan 2 hala Kampung Tanjung Bako ( siap pada 2015), RM 10 juta untuk membina jalan premix menggantikan titi kayu di Kampung Bintawa, RM 45 juta untuk jalan Bradek Semilang, RM 120 juta untuk projek sistem bekalan air Daerah Lundu, RM 300 juta untuk Projek Rancangan Tebatan Banjir Bandar Kuching dan seluruh Sarawak dan banyak lagi projek-projek yang langsung tidak dipedulikan oleh Tun Mahathir dulu tapi telah diluluskan dibawah pentadbiran Dato Sri Najib sebagai Perdana Menteri.

8. Tak perlulah saya nak jelaskan kepada Aziz Isa sumbangan Dato Sri Wan Junaidi di kawasan Parlimen Santubong. Peningkatan undi majoriti Dato Sri Wan Junaidi antara majoriti yang tertinggi dalam pilihanraya PRU 13 yang lepas sudah cukup menunjukkan perjuangan dan kerja-kerja pembangunan yang dilakukan oleh Wan Junaidi adalah diterima dan diktiraf oleh penduduk Parlimen Santubong sehingga kedua-dua calon pembangkang yang melawan Dato Sri Wan Junaidi telah hilang wang cengkeram. Aziz Isa harus menerima fakta bahawa Dato Sri Wan Junaidi is the darling of Parlimen Santubong.

9. Namun bukan budaya kerja BN untuk mengaku sebagai one man show. Sebab itulah , walaupun banyak sumbangan yang dibuat, namun Dato Sri Wan Junaidi tidak pernah mendabik dada berkata itu hasil kerja beliau seorang kerana beliau percaya kepada kejayaan pencapaian beliau adalah hasil kerja berkumpulan dari peringkat tertinggi BN Nasional dan Negeri sehinggalah ke pekerja parti. Semangat keutuhan setiakawan Barisan Nasional inilah yang memberi keyakinan kepada beliau bahawa sekongkol politik Tun Mahathir bersama dengan DAP Sarawak tidak akan memberi luak kepada BN Sarawak. Kalau 2013 kita dapat melihat gelombang crowd yg lebih besar di pentas politik Pakatan Rakyat di Sarawak namun akhirnya hampir semua calon BN Sarawak mendapat undi majoriti yang meningkat dan tinggi termasuklah Wan Junaidi, Fadillah Yusof, James Dawos,Nancy Shukri, Rohani Karim , Ahmad Lai, Wahab Dolah dan Norah Abdul Rahman dan lain lain.


Setiausaha Politik

Kepada Menteri Sumber Asli dan Alam Sekitar

28 September 2017

The Truth is Out There!!

apdpThe 3 PDP Lobbyists are trying to convince the Barisan Nasional Hierarchy that they are more than capable of retaining the seat for the coalition. The Question remains how convincing have they been?

It does seem that every time they push their wagon up the hill it gets steeper. Their lobbying tactics have led to many voters who were unhappy and disgusted with their personal attacks on the Barisan Nasional elected sitting incumbent MP. They are now seeing the truth and with the many programmes and people-centric projects which are delivered by the MP they see no reason whatsoever to rock the boat.

THE TRUTH IS DEFINITELY OUT THERE and our June 17th article https://audie61.wordpress.com/2017/06/17/mawan-exclusiveimbroglio-in-saratok/  did noticebly caught the attention of the lobbyists by the throat and cleared the controversy of Mawan being the ADUN and MP. We do not need to highlight further and PDP President himself is keeping his lips sealed. He too knows that the rumour that has been swirling on the ground and the lobbyists being ‘privately friendly” with the opposition PKR.

Lately,the State Barisan Nasional Secretary-General Dato Sr Dr Stephen Rundi have said this,”to be frank with you,we are ready for the General election if it is held tomorrow. We will field the most WINNABLE candidates for all the 31 seats.”

Don’t you think that this statement by the State BN SG sounds very familiar which is in line with the Barisan Nasional Chairman and Prime Minister?

BN SG even dodged on the seat held by the incumbent MP in Saratok,”we leave it to the top leadership to decide.” The situation on the ground is very much in favour of the sitting and Incumbent MP and the political statement mentioned clearly state the facts of the matter.

Moreover the PM at the BN Supreme Council meeting has stated very clearly on the lobbying of candidates,it’s the people’s choice,people’s will should be the prevailing consideration.

PM Najib knows that GE14 he must not compromise the “SAFE BN SEATS” by fielding candidates who are not tested and have linkages to the opposition. He has his ears on the ground and have sent his own team to check the ground on all the 222 Parliamentary seats. Najib knows that the Saratok seat was not won easily and he would want to keep it that way. There is indeed a line one should not cross and Mawan is keeping his cool especially with the lobbyists. Even the PDP Youth who had mentioned that there will be a new face in Saratok did not even lift an eyelid for Mawan. Would he be too worried ?

Surely not, as he is busy working the ground and keeping in constant touch with the voters who will ensure a win for BN and his return to the Parliament for a second term. Mawan has always practised the Sun Tzu tactical options,”he receives his commands from the top BN hierarchy,assembles his election machinery and mobilises the people to take care of the needs and wants of the Parliamentary constituency. He will not linger too much on the 3 lobbyists ,concentrate on critical areas and varies the tactics to win over the fence sitters to win the seat comfortably.

Would the 3 lobbyists be able to do that? 

They have been too much baggage to carry with them and the hill that they have trudged on have now become a mountain. They have forgotten the simple rules in politics and that is “Fight only the battles you can win and know yourself and know who the Incumbent is. ”

There has been too much information being sought by the many agencies on the ground and leaves many unanswered questions on them. Their one serious mistake have not only been not “RESPECTING AN INCUMBENT SITTING BN MP” but also being RUBBERSTAMPED as “Half PDP at best,Half PKR at worst

This will be a BIG MINUS POINT for PDP if they continue to use the 3 to engage the incumbent. The BN ADUNS in Kalaka,Kabong and Meluan plus MP Julau have stood by the MP Saratok and they are seen being very comfortable and have every intention to see their fellow BN colleague win in the next GE14. They certainly will not want to see instability and thus create a “backlash” to the ruling BN stranglehold in Saratok.

They too know very well the “masterplan” of PKR for the area and it goes without a doubt they will use all their resources to assist the incumbent to retain the seat for BN. If the lobbyists think that they can ride on the ADUNS back to score ‘brownie points” they are in for disappointment. The voters too will not be compromised.

BN is not about to sacrifice a safe seat to the opposition through the backdoor in P205 and the lobbyist will be kept at arms length. Mawan will continue to serve the constituency of Saratok and will leave the candidacy to the top BN hierarchy. They all want a piece of Mawan and have used all sorts of ways and methods to ensure he falls but Mawan as always says,” it’s a democratic right for any one to contest or lobby but please do not cross the line.

Saratok Parliamentary seat has been won by BN in GE13 and Mawan will defend this seat.He will not only bring the enemy to the battlefied but will inflict a more than painful plus damaging loss to the them and their INTENDED PLANS( which is Krian seat and Saratok Parliamentary seat under PKR ).

Mawan knows Saratok much better now as he has served them for the last 4 and half years and his actions on the ground are testament that Saratok is moving in the right direction in terms of further progress and development.

Will the 3 lobbyists do a much better job than what Mawan has done? The BN hierarchy will need more than 3 PDP party lobbying to ensure that the seat stays with Barisan Nasional.

The Truth remains that the BN leaders in Najib and CM Abang Jo knows what Mawan wants and they both value BN loyalty and a win for BN for Saratok in the upcoming GE14.



Aspiring Lobbyists”Missing the Target.?”


Strike 1..! Strike 2..!! Strike 3..!!! Ooops all.. MISSED.

Seriously, the 3 BN PDP lobbyists have not ‘done enough” to weaken the opposition PKR . Their tactics of incessant attack on BN’s Elected Incumbent MP 205 have not gone down too well within the BN Hierarchy Framework as its a ‘DIRECT SLAP ON THE FACES OF BARISAN NASIONAL COALITION

The Fact remains that the incumbent himself has not distanced himself from the constituency since the day he was elected in 2013. He has been working the ground providing and being with the constituents and being people-centric. Honestly, if he has Slackened or is an Absentee MP surely the main stream media,blogs and the internet portals will have ‘eaten him up for dinner and supper

Is there any need to have any onslaught on him who is very much a “Sitting Incumbent BN Member of Parliament”?

Why are the guns of the lobbyists not targeting the Opposition PKR?

Even the great SUN TZU would be rolling over his grave and wondering likewise.

The Lobbyists have concentrated mainly in the KRIAN area which without a doubt still remains a PKR seat held successfully for a 2nd term by Ali Biju who defeated Kilat Beriak (BN/SPDP) by 1640 votes. Did we get it wrong in our previous articles? Let’s refresh ourselves shall we.

  • Article 1. https://audie61.wordpress.com/2017/07/12/lobbyistsbelittling-or-compromising-pdp-or-bn/
  • Article 2  https://audie61.wordpress.com/2017/08/15/sympathiser-for-pkr-for-bn-p205-saratok/

We are indeed baffled to the extend that its very unbecoming for the President of the party to “still encourage” this lobbying exercise to continue. He is well advised but there seems to be a wool over his eyes especially when it comes to the Saratok Parliamentary Constituency. Of course, the party and the President will inform the BN hierarchy that all is well in the area? Is it?

Will it be wrong for the lobbyists to be praising the Incumbent BN MP on a job well done? Politically, for sure they would have scored ‘brownie points“if they will continue doing the same like the Incumbent if chosen on the BN ticket. This would certainly have gone down pretty well with the various government agencies on the ground covering their movements. Their communication with the people leaves much to be desired and a brief ‘internship‘ looks more likely for them.

Having said all that we are not in anyway belittling them but they have chosen the to focus on the wrong target and may have crossed the line once too often.

What have been seriously missing is that the lobbyists should have their guns blazing and focused on the weaknesses of the opposition parties in particular PKR instead of the BN incumbent. The fact remains on the lips and minds of the many hard core BN loyalists which simply is ,”

Will they be turncoats?”

Their “MISSING JABS AND BODY BLOWS” at the opposition party has not only created the uneasiness within the BN democratic framework but it could provide them with an Alternative and an Outlet to return to their former base. This is not unusual for politics .

Will that happen? 

We are not one to speculate on the future after the General elections but in time it will reveal the true colours of the aspiring lobbyists.

Are we being unfair to them? Surely,not..

Loyalty has been the mainstay and secret weapon for Barisan Nasional and its not just about to change. There is much concern and unease within the BN family that as the GE14 approaches many more skeletons in the closet will be unearthed on the lobbyists.

The Incumbent MP William Mawan is doing his duty calmly and diligently as a Parliamentarian in his constituency. His years of experience must not be overlooked and he has put it to good use. He has outreached to the people in his constituency in his first term and the BN coalition will put their trusts and their hope on retaining the seat through a winnable candidate.

Mawan has always been very magnanimous and he says this, “Don’t Pretend What You don’t know. If you Don’t know just ask

The Target is very wide open in P205 and it does seem that the Lobbyists have a lot to catch up before they finally hit the target. They still have much to learn from the Incumbent and BN Sitting MP in the experienced Tan Sri William Mawan. He is only a phone call away.

Until then the Barisan Nasional it seems will not be using them in the shop window just yet.

Are we wrong to say that? You will know better…..


Earlier posting:-  https://audie61.wordpress.com/2017/08/25/dont-destroy-the-fort-p205/


Sympathiser for PKR for BN P205 Saratok?

subengLet’s not be mean ,”wolf in sheep’s skin?”. However in this day and age politics is such that one have to be judgemental and ensure that the worthy candidate fits the bill to stand as a candidate. Our sources have informed us that there were once closely associated with and have close ties with PKR the opposition camp in Saratok.

Do we need to be robot scientist to work out this out?

Surely, PDP hierarchy must have checked the background of all 3 lobbyists to be a candidate for Barisan Nasional ? A senior PDP even have to answer to a netcitizen claim which in itself does hold some political truth on the matter.  http://www.theborneopost.com/2017/07/12/igai-denies-saratok-aspirants-members-of-opposition-party/

On another note an Emeritus Professor said,”As a political party PDP seems to be “Deliberately Blinded” to create some political inconvenience so as to ensure that the seat belongs to PDP and not to other coalition partners or individuals.

The MP Incumbent is a former President of SPDP and he is still very much a BN Member of Parliament. He remains true to the concept of BN and has never wavered from his stand which the PM and DPM acknowledges as plus points for a candidade for BN in GE14.

Mawan himself  is consistent with his desire to step down at the end of the next parliamentary term. He even said that he as not interested in any position in the party he once led.

Do we need to polish it up more and add pepper plus other spices to it?

Meanwhile the President of PDP Tiong King Sing knows too well that he has a trump card if the need arises. Has he been playing with fire? Ali Biju PKR Assemblyman for Krian is so entrenched in the state seat and he will not have any hesitation to face off with anyone besides the Incumbent. This is extracted from Ali Biju’s twitter,“Official Twitter account for Ali Biju, PKR assemblyman for N.34 Krian and currently running for Parliament P.205 Saratok”

Let’s not deliberate further and its a known fact that there are many selfish individuals within PDP and President Tiong himself must stop this nonsensical lobbying for the sympathisers of PKR to have an upperhand in P205 for GE14.

The 4 Incumbents MP s in Tiong,Mawan,Anyi,Nogeh are all very winnable for BN. Mawan himself knows that its going to be a tough outing for BN in GE14 and has always practised the Principle of No.1 Party is BN System of Governance and N0.2 would be the party that he is in.

He does not hide behind the sheep skin and he has always put BN’s interest above self and he would not tarnish the image of BN in whatever manner. He has Saratok’s continuity in his heart and he plans to see it out till the end of the term for GE14.

Subeng with his 32 years of experience in corporate administration and management should wait for his chance to prove to the BN leadership and stay as an intern to Mawan and ready for GE15. The experience and youthful partnership which Mawan and Tiong has will benefit BN in totality and if Subeng Mula is willing to wait for the chance he will stand to handsomely impart from the tutelage of the incumbent MP with his years of experience.

Tiong would be seen as an outstanding President in the eyes of the Barisan leadership in the State and in Federal. He must be seen to have uncovered an unpolished diamond.  Mawan would also be instrumental to bring together the rival factions for the benefit of the constituency of Saratok.

Krian was lost to PKR and the defeated BN candidates of Peter Nyarok in 2011 and Kilat Beriak in 2016 was due to disunity in its rank and file. This was even highlighted by the local daily,”The reason Barisan Nasional (BN) lost in the Krian constituency in the previous two state elections was disunity within the ruling coalition which led to sabotage from among its own rank and not because it failed to deliver its promises as claimed by the opposition.”

One in the end has to prove his worth to BN and Subeng Mula knows very well that the BN leadership on this occasion of GE14 would only pick the winnable and loyal candidate. He stands a very good chance to be an MP after Mawan calls it a day in GE15 and only have to put up a BRAVE FACE and let BN find a ‘common ground” to win this seat instead of handing the seat on a platter to the opposition in PKR.

The wolf in sheep skin tag would be wiped clean of the slate if Subeng knows that politics is not only for today but its an ongoing process. Experience and wisdom is a forte in politics and Mawan would be most willing to share one of his favourite quote,”No leader should put troops into the field merely to gratify his own spleen; no leader should fight a battle simply out of pique. But a kingdom that has once been destroyed can never come again into being; nor can the dead ever be brought back to life. Hence the enlightened leader is heedful, and the good leader full of caution.
– Sun Tzu

BN Top Leadership would be very cautious and the winnable seats would not be sacrificed for any party or any individuals selfish needs.

Mawan’s Unquestionable Loyalty.

amawan1.jpgIs the Prime Minister Najib Razak going to abandon Tan Sri Mawan as the winnable candidate for P205 Saratok?

Truthfully, Strategically and Politically we don’t think so. One can say its just our opinion but in this interview with Mawan he tells us some “liitle secrets” which will infact more than tickle PDP.

 PM Najib knows that Tan Sri Mawan in Saratok occupies the “High Ground” Najibs first rule as always is to occupy the heights which he has practised from the day he knows, reads and advised by those who also subsribe to this fundamental law of Sun Tzu which is” In battle and manoeuvring. all armies prefer high ground to low ground.”

Najib has the report and it was he in 2013 during GE13 who came to give full moral support as the Commander in Chief when all seems lost as PKR Ali Biju was gaining ground. It was not Ali Biju who was strong at that time but those SPDP members in the Jelaing’s and his group who turned against the party themselves. Mawan even remembers that he had to sought help from outside Saratok to fight and engage not only a common enemy in PKR but so called SPDP insiders within the party who were trying to dethrone the President to claim a memorable scalp for themselves.

Mawan himself quotes this,” There is no winnability without loyalty. Everyone claims to be winnable. Barisan Nasional will need to pick the most winnable. It is of course UNQUESTIONABLE  LOYALTY. We must quell all these aspiring and lobbyists as Barisan spirit must reign supreme.”

He continued without Prime Minister Najib Razak and he as the President then fighting for the party SPDP today Saratok will have fallen to PKR.

Where were the ones and the rests of them who stakes a claim for PDP today when he needs them most at the time?

The SG and MP Mas Gading Anthony Nogeh should thank Mawan for his political ascension to be a candidate as he fought very hard for him to be there in 2013. Did he forget that Tiki Laffe was the choice? Mawan not only pleaded with the top BN leadership and was shown the ‘cold eyes” by the top man. The SPDP machinery was mobilised by those loyal to Mawan and of course Nogeh was elected.

Politically as SG he should be more subtle by following his President Tiong King Sing’s words who even said he would leave it to PM and CM to pick the candidate. He would have done himself a world of good by saying,” Mawan is welcomed back with Open Arms” Instead he harped and agreed to YB Harry Jinep who is very much Junior in hierarchy by fully supporting that the Saratok seat should go to PDP as it is traditionally a PDP seat.

Mawan knows that they are many aspiring and suitable candidates but they are Stacking their claims in front of his eyes as he is the incumbent? Nogeh and Jinep are jabbing and throwing punches to see how “his chin” will take it? Mawan will go the full 15 rounds with them as he still subscribes to UNITY  in Barisan Nasional.

He continued which fittingly are excerpts from his book,”there may be internal party matters or possibly some misunderstanding between members of component parties. If left unchecked,these may give rise to ill-feelings and suspicion,which are not healthy to Barisan Nasional.

Indeed,we cannot afford to have rivalry,competition and suspicion,in whatever sheds or modes and at whatever levels among us,especially when we are committed to pooling our resources and strenghts as people of Barisan nasional to advance the cause of DEVELOPMENT and stave off the opposition from standing in the way between us and the rakyat.

Mawan will not throw punches to give a knockout punch to those aspiring to be candidate for P205 yet as he knows that those behind them have “old scores to settle”and he wants to guide them through when it is time for him to call it a day. GE14 will be a tough battle for the PM Najib and Mawan knows he will not let the PM down and will deliver the seat to BN.

PM Najib will know that Saratok is not an easy seat to contain with and he needs an experienced hand and not someone who is “new plus a greenhorn‘ to stake a claim from the Incumbent Mawan.

PDP can stake the claim but it will regrettably be lost for the party in the long run if Mawan is not given the “CERTIFICATE” to stand as a BN appointed candidate. Afterall, all the 222 candidates for the upcoming GE14 are standing on Barisan Nasional ticket and not on individual party basis.

Mawans parting shot in this interview short of saying,” UNITY AND CONSENSUS” is the way for PDP and he sees himself as the bridge that can be connected back for the greater good of Barisan Nasional.

Unquestionably  President Tiong also knows that Mawan is very LOYAL to BN and he is very much a Certified Winnable candidate for his party and for BN. PM Najib and CM Abang Jo will use their political wisdom to ensure that P205 will stay as a stronghold for BN and they will not need to look further than to stick on with the Incumbent.

PAS Hadi “Fighting for Political Survival”

Oh No, PAS President is at it again. What will happen to PAS in GE14 is anyone’s guess.acawat1

It does seem that he is at his best when his back is at the wall as he makes this political statement to try to coax Barisan Nasional leaders to accept him and the party into the BN fold.

Will Sarawak leaders accept him and the party with open arms? He has yet to make amends on his “CAWAT” INSINUATION way back in 2009.

Even MP Salang and PRS Secretary General said this,””He pointed out that Sarawakian   MPs objected to the bill because it is an opposition bill tabled by Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS) president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang, who has few fans in the state.

“During the Batang Ai by-election in 2009, he said we were still wearing cawat. Later, he accused Christians of converting Muslims. Things like that do not speak well of him as a person and a leader. So when he tabled a bill like this, how can I be certain that he meant well?” said Salang.

This is extracted from Rakan Best Nye Page: “Apologise first PAS President Hadi. We in Sarawak always live in peace,harmony, eat,shop, no segregation and enjoy together. 

We dont want PAS in Sarawak.
Don’t try to say this for your convenience. “PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang says Malaysians can learn from Sabah and Sarawak, where the two states’ diverse peoples have lived in harmony for so long.”

Is Hadi making the right calls or is he trying to get back the sympathy from the opposition front ,making PAS relevant while backstabbing the Barisan Nasional Coalition at the last minute?He has something up his sleeves and political parties within the BN are watching closely with hawks eye and waiting to  pounce.

BN Sarawak can do without PAS assistance as it goes to win the seats in Sarawak for GE14

P205 Saratok”One More Term”for Mawan

Ali Biju of  Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR )is waiting in the wings to wrestle this seat away from the noses of BN/SPDP.  In 2013 GE13 William Mawan won this seat and secured 11,600 votes against Ali’s 9,519 votes to score a majority of 2,081 votes.

pmawanEaster has come and gone and very soon it will be Ramadan,Hari Raya and the impending GE14. Najib as the ruling Prime Minister and the Barisan Nasional Commander in Chief is counting the seats and preserving all his winnable candidates to cross the line at 111 out of 222 Parliamentary seats.  Mawan is very much his best bet to have 1 in the bag for Barisan Nasional. He knows that Mawan journey still continues and he is very much a loyal and reliable Barisan member be it in the State or in the Federal level.

Najib always have this in his mind,”Think daily,deeply, and in a disciplined way about strategy, for on that alone is your throne of power preserved and strengthened.  Najib also take notes of  what Mawan has openly said,”there is no alternative to unity. Unity has always been the hallmark of my political crusade since i entered politics more than four decades and it is the foundational nucleus on which politics is premised.”

SPDP President Tiong King Sing is very much a ‘buddy and best friend” to William Mawan. Both of them have gone through many rivers,hills and mountains together since 2002 when the party was founded. Tiong himself will want his Political Elder William Mawan by his side as he sees through the storm of GE14 and win all the 4 seats the party contest. Tiong knows that its no point to have war-mongering factions in this battle and as the President he will need to master the strategy to deliver to Najib the BN commander the 4 seats which the party is assigned to.

All things in nature have an inherent cycle of spring,summer,winter birth,growth,maturity,decline and death. Political differences or war has also a cycle of psychological stages,the wait,preparation,clashes,regret and remorse. Politics is the art of agreement not disagreement and Mawan himself knows that very well.

He hears all the right noises coming from top hierarchy of the ruling party on his experience and patience in dealing with situations. He says to audie61 in this interview,”Don’t Package me out. My experience will be invaluable to the party and to the person who will eventually take over as MP Saratok from SPDP.” He says he needs one more term to ‘tidy it up” for the unity of all younger members who will be eventually join up in SPDP. He says there are many new members who are waiting for his next move and they will not need to wait too long to move to the HOME in SPDP.

There will be differences and distrusts for the new members but eventually political maturity will take the centre stage. With all the upheavels SPDP will come out stronger and more united to face any adversaries.

audie61 remembers a local journalist writing in 2013 on the battle of Saratok,”The fight for the seat will always be remembered as a race between BN and PKR, so fierce and so close till the finishing line. Those with faint hearts probably may not want to experience such excitement again”

Mawan ended the interview with the phrase “Unity” again pointing to the opposition on playing up the issue on Appointment of Hishammuddin as Special Functions Minister. He said even Zahid has consented to the appointment and this is roller coastered into an issue. Mawan said,” Najib is strengthening Barisan Nasional  and with this appointment it will make us stronger. It’s UNITY .”

Saratok P205 is ripe for Ali Biju to wrestle away from BN/SPDP.  Najib being the BN commander knows that President Tiong and Mawan will sit down together soon to sort it out and Look at the BIGGER PICTURE.

One More Term” is the call for Mawan and Parti Keadilan Rakyat’s( PKR) Ali Biju’s dream of being an MP after GE14 will also disappear into the clouds.