“PKR East Malaysia…In total Disarray.”


Updated and Breaking News 5.08pm :- Zaid is going on leave ONLY as he has completed his first tasks in PKR as the prime mover in getting the parties on a Common Footing. He will not leave PKR if thats what everyone is speculating..Seems someone else Azmin is getting more wrath especially with his not SO SECRET dealings with Sng according to a reliable source.

Updated and Breaking News from Malaysiakini at 3.53pm :-PKR leader and former minister Zaid Ibrahim today announced that he will be going on a six-month leave, strengthening rumours that all is not well in the opposition party

A grassroot PKR member told audie 61 that ,” In East Malaysia at the moment there are too much infighting within the party and this is bad news. Only the man himself meaning Anwar can save PKR in East Malaysia from engulfing into flames. There was a lot of hope and believe when Anwar was the PKR Liason Chief in Sabah and Sarawak but as soon as he relinquished his posts to Azmin and Mustaffa respectively the CEMENTED CRACKS appeared again.”

audie61 was informed that we have been covering too many BN articles(personalities in BN) and we are going on a lopsided trail.  Just going throught the internet blogs we can see for ourselves that all is not too well in PKR and there is a cause for concern.

  1.  Malaysiakini report -Sabah Chief throws tantrum
  2.  The People’s Parliament-New Sabah PKR Chief Ahoy
  3. The Malaysianinsider– Discord In PKR over Zaid.
  4. Zorro-Unmasked-Rumble a LA West side story

Has Anwar losts the plot in the two states in East Malaysia..? There have been too many NEGATIVE  reports and we reposts it here for all to evaluate,discuss,digress and to recheck the direction of the party and its struggles. Have you joined the party to be embroilled in all this petty squabbling?

From Sabah in Malaysikini report,” Yes, we are unhappy that Azmin seems to be in the pocket of Sng Chee Hwa of Sarawak,” confirmed both divisional chiefs. He turns up at Anwar’s house every time with Sng in tow. We don’t know what kind of hold Azmin has over Anwar and that disturbs us. Something is just not right here.”

PKR headquarters,”Several PKR leaders here believe that by going to Sabah and Sarawak, Zaid would be sending the wrong signal and not showing solidarity with party headquarters.

Mustaffa on Sarawak Liason Chief,”It is up to Anwar and PKR president Wan Azizah Wan Ismail to appoint someone who they think can lead the party in Sarawak. I know that they have found somebody. It is a matter of time when they will announce the name of the person.”

On Gabriel Adit PKR YB in Sarawak,”is already going around the longhouses bragging that he will soon be talking to Anwar as an equal” once his new party is set up.

A veteran politician told audie61 that it is indeed a timely reminder to all those who aspire to reach the pinnacle of their chosen profession in politicst o follow the age old statement,”Good Man Will Never make it in Politics and One has to be RUTHLESS PLUS BEING SELFISH  to achieve your dream.” History does not lie too he said.

What is happening in PKR or for that matter in Pakatan is indeed not healthy but its a political process of reengineering itself. UMNO went through that process and with Najib in the helm now there seems to be some sort of Light at the end of the Tunnel as UMNO was basking and flickering through past glories without any direction.

Najib seems to be able to get a grib of things with his hands on attitude and Anwar will need also to keep a tight leash or the breakup of PKR In East Malaysia will be sooner rather than later. In simpler terms the “INFIGHTING AND NONSENSICAL ATTITUDES have to STOP or we might just ready a TOMBSTONE with “BORN …..and DIED………”

PKR in East Malaysia needs to be CRUEL TO BE KINDin order to realise Anwars slogan,” A New Dawn”  or else you and I would be saying to our grandchildren in 15 years time ,” IF ONLY……………..”

{ Now Pakatan YBs also Arrogant..????}


A political watcher hinted to Natasha of audie 61 to view the report in Malaysiakini in which it said{ Jeff Ooi should apologise} and in it Halim said{ Jeff Ooi is known for his arrogance}. Surely apologising is not one of his trait. But he must learn that JIM is an organisation that he cannot just trample on and nothing happens. If he wants to be a politician in multiracial and multicultural society than he has to learn humility. Insulting organisations is not as the same as insulting individuals     

 DOES IT MEAN THAT ….  { It really goes to show now that once the individual ascends the so called throne of Yang Berhormats their mentality,character,personality and intellectual levels are up one notch and they SUDDENLY have got their feet off the ground..} But it must be noted that one bad apple does affect the whole bunch and this is what BN or Pakatan leaders needs to CHECK THE ARROGANCE THERMOMETERS of their respective YBs or else in this day and age they will be blown away in the NEXT ELECTIONS.

 THE Voters nowaways are TOO STREET SMART with the availability and advancement of superior technological savvy tools at a touch of a button. 

audie 61 says  ( AT THE END OF IT ALL ITS YOUR CALL WITH A MARK AT WHICH SYMBOL TO PICK YOUR YBs or MPs…………………………) Are we correct,correct,correct…?

‘Cawat” Issue..Stay Clear Wanita’s??

Updated 28th July :- Sms sent to Secretary General of PRS– Wilfred Nissom.Thank God and Glad there is no burning of PAS Flags.We are better than that.

Updated 28th July 9.30am- Headlines “Gathering to burn PAS flags put off,says PRS man. The full story can be seen in Todays Borneo Post Article page 12. Was this our timely intervention with our article and thus someone politically connected with the Prime Minister’s department raised the ALARM BELLS. Thank God or else all Hell would have broken loose. 

Last Friday before I posted the article on ” Wanita PKR Sarawak- A New Dawn” I asked PRS Batu Lintang Wanita Chief and Treasurer are they ready if chosen at an instant to stand for the coming elections. Of course, they said we are in politics not only to serve and fight for the party but also groomed to take over. In my article I mentioned ,” PRS has yet to field any wanita candidate but it is speculated by PRS members that the current Wanita chief Doris Brodie is being groomed to be a candidate. How ironic it is today she seems to grab the headlines and suddenly appears? Something is brewing and are they any connections to the New Dawn?

This is what she said in the Sunday Borneo Posts,’

Expressing anger over Hadi’s remarks about Batang Ai voters recently, Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) women chief Doris Sophia Brodie said yesterday the remarks reflected the type of leaders PAS and PR have.

“Obviously, PAS and Pakatan are not ethnic-sensitive, thus they can forget about making their existence felt in Sarawak especially in Dayak dominant areas. On top of that, it is such remarks that stir racial tension,” she said.

“I think what Hadi said should hit the nail squarely for Dayak opposition leaders. Clearly, Pakatan and PAS do not have them or the Dayak at heart, to them the Dayaks are just to make the numbers and their laughing stock.

In this respect, she said the PRS women of Batang Ai, Simanggang and Bukit Begunan divisions would come out in full force to support PRS Batang Ai youth in its plan to burn PAS flags in Engkilili town todayk.

We are at bests trying to STAY AS FAR AWAY FROM THIS ISSUE AS POSSIBLE. However,we know that a fire would not have started  if the sparks are not lighted.Sarawak Wanita Chiefs from PKR/DAP/PAS/SNAP should not only stay silent on this issue as the Wanita Chief from PRS  has already lashed out. Recently joined PKR former MCA leader Chua Jui Meng would be telling you all,” A Politician is not a Politician if she/he keeps quiet.”

We received a number of smses but this from a senior a dayak leader and a former high ranking civil officer which will be open to your interpretations ,”Mrng bro.what Hadi meant was,dyks hv cawat political mentality.f u say dyks r well clothed 2 refer 2 hadi’s statement,once again hadi n d rest will laugh at n deride even phd educated dyk pol leaders ENDA NEMU RETI JAKO SINDIR” 

Burning FLAGS please,please,please I don’t buy that. It’s like Hooliganism in football where rival Fans taunt each other by burning flags on the terraces. Who has come out with this idea.? This is POLITICS AND NOT FOOTBALL.The person who has even initiated this idea let alone carry it out should be TAKEN AWAY and PUT IN JAIL AS THIS IS NOTORIOUSLY EVIL THOUGHT.

audie61 seriously take this as an attempt to instigate a TRULY EXPLOSIVE situation. It’s uncalled for even by PRS Batang Ai Youth. PM ‘s department and the authorities concerned should seriously look into this very  MINDLESS AND THOUGHTLESS  POLITICAL ACT. 

IN Malaysia we have enough problems with death and we do not need our political strategists from any political party be it BN/PAKATAN to even think of this. This will eventually lead to  even worse scenario. It only takes someone to singlehandedly take it a step higher,”TORCH PAS HEADQUARTERS” Then what will happen?

PM Najib we do not need to be reminded of the Brixton,Guildford,Manchester nor Liverpool riots where cities just burn through the night for seven to ten nights in the 80’s. (150 buildings damaged,30 burned down)

We say as always,”Politics is politics, but do not take it overboard and it will turn ugly and the whole country suffers. The country is already suffering economically and we do not need another FLAG BURNING THOUGHT to aggravate the precarious and fluid political situation.

“Wanita PKR Sarawak A New Dawn”

Your Vote Counts!

The State elections for Sarawak is not due till 2011 but the Pakatan Sarawak machinery is well underway with discussions amongst the opposition component parties in reaching a common ground. Wanita PKR Sarawak had their meeting in the evening and they were also caught up in the “frenzy” of the state elections. The mainstream media /internet portal malaysiakini covered the first “fruitful” meeting between the leaders of DAP/PKR.

According to sources it was the first “official” meeting and in subsequent meetings Sarawak PAS and SNAP leaders will not be left out. Of course the main issue remains,” Straight Fight against BN Sarawak” where all parties will agree on a single candidate from Pakatan against BN. Great says PKR Wanita Exco Voon S.N  ( lawyer by profession)

She gave her views when interviewed by audie61 on the current allocation of seats amongst the Pakatan group. They will be intense lobbying of course she says as most “eligible and aspiring” candidates lobbyists will be trying to push for their own. It will be no different for Wanita PKR she says.

“Don’t get me wrong,I am not pushing for myself” DAP has Violet and Ting as candidates and they pulled through. Of course  PKR Wanita Sarawak would be grateful if at least 2 or more of our capable/winnable Wanita candidates are considered. We will try to push for the national quota but we have to face the realities  that we will be facing the “might of BN”

Unless we are given that platform we will not be certain that we will not win. We will not go into a battle that we will not win she says. It must be noted too that at least 50% of the voters in some constituencies are women folks and with the current political situation in the country,anything can happen we obviously will stand a chance,”Don’t you think so audie61 she asks?”

We just nodded and we got in touch with a number of BN Wanita members who said,”we will not underestimate the might of our enemies and we will ensure that they will not have it easy.” Are they going to do battle with our BN Wanita YBS at their constituencies.?”

 Its only PBB,SPDP who are the current YBs. SUPP fielded Lily Yong and she was defeated by PKR Dominique Ng who was the first PKR State YB for the country. PRS has yet to field any wanita candidate but it is speculated by PRS members that the current Wanita chief Doris Brodie is being groomed to be a candidate. 


Will it be a New Dawn for Wanita PKR Sarawak? This question will only be answered if the national and state leaders in PKR gives them just that “flicker of hope” and a CHANGE for Sarawak. Another PKR lady member Rosie said,’ In politics there is always a chance. Times have changed and BN will need to work doubly hard to face us.It’s all calm now.Don’t you feel it?”

Of course she was saying,”There is a storm coming and BN be ready or else you will be swept away.


We say as always,”There will not be any stones unturned as all political parties head towards the 2011 State elections. Will we see PKR wanita candidates..Im sure Dr.Wan Azizah PKR President would give them her stamp of approval..

Pakatan/BN “Failed Engagement”

Hype up it was. Everyone in every state from every corner of the street and villages/longhouses were talking about PAS/UMNO getting together in an engagement party. It was to lead to a Marriage of Convenience where many BN leaders are so fond of using this political term. Alas, the fear has been erased and it has brought many smiles back to mosts spindoctors/strategists. What if it has materialised?

This is the report from Malaysiakini Internet portal

Pakatan Rakyat leaders today took a uniform stand to reject the formation of a unity government with Umno or Barisan Nasional.


The PKR, DAP and PAS leaders reiterated their commitment to the opposition coalition with the aim of forming the federal government someday.

The joint statement was signed by Opposition Leader and PKR supremo Anwar Ibrahim, DAP’s Lim Kit Siang and PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang.

“The Pakatan council of leaders has reaffirmed our rejection of the idea of forming a unity government with Umno/BN which is clearly a malicious and desperate attempt to compromise the integrity of the increasingly popular Pakatan Rakyat.

“Pakatan agrees to adopt an open approach and is willing to hold discussions with the leaders of BN on issues of national interests,” read the statement.

The statement dispelled rumours of a break-up in Pakatan over the issue of PAS and Umno holding unity talks.
We say as always,”Next–Manek Urai and Onwards to GE13…!!!!

Please..It’s “Laughter in the Rain”

Its coffee time and in the group around lunchtime were some lawyers,senior journalists and political party boys. Wow! Sweeping statement by the deputy speaker Junaidi.No,no,no Could the Hansard lie..? Valid point .Taken and well received by the group. So, that means that the deputy speaker and Santubong MP is correct in his statement today,” I’m not apologising

He even insists that the remarks are facts and based on constructive criticism which we have said in our article yesterday https://audie61.wordpress.com/2009/06/14/exclusive-replysarawak-members-of-parliament-full-of-decorum/

So isn’t this “laughter in the rain..?” The full version for your listening pleasure to ease the political tensions and stress.Hmmmm… 


Another remark which had some of us in deep discussion was a Malaysiakini report which had this ,” Sarawak PKR leader Augustine Liom wants Dayaks in Barisan Nasional (BN) to join Pakatan Rakyat to change the state government.” Either its another laughter in the rain or PKR Iban leaders have suddenly got the courage to speak up to start another,”Dayakism revival in a different platform” through PKR. 

He went on to say this,”“The Dayaks now need a national party as their political vehicle. Sarawak National Party is nominally alive. Parti Bansa Dayak Sarawak is dead and gone. Malaysian Dayak Congress has not seen the light of the day.

anwar ibrahim 140509“What we need is a political vehicle, that is PKR, and we need Malays like Anwar Ibrahimright) to champion the Dayak cause, not Malays who will divide us or who will rob us of our NCR land.

“We place our trust in PKR and Anwar to champion the Dayak cause. This is a stark political reality we have to come to accept and to live with. There is now no alternative to that.”

Neil Sedaka says,” I call it laughter in the rain.” Can the Dayak leaders and political boys see this happening..?? Even Wan Azizah the PKR President has this to say,’“If we want to change Sarawak for the better, then it is now or never.” She could not be saying this is all “laughter in the rain could she..??

We say as always,”Sometimes singing a song or two will ease the  tensions that has descended upon the Political Landscape in Malaysia..Of course,you and i know politics is REAL and it cannot be laughter in the rain could it..??

EXCLUSIVE reply”Sarawak Members of Parliament Full of Decorum”

The English tabloids,blogs and internet portal Malaysiakini are all carrying articles with different headlines amongst which are

  1. Deputy Speaker’s comments-confirmed our worst fears-Dayakbaru blog
  2. Sarawak Parliamentarians under fire-Malaysiakini portal
  3. Deputy Speakers comments incur wrath of BN MPs.-Borneo Posts.

On the home front /coffe shop talk there are so many stories being thrown about and most of course are half truths. Mind you though some do have credibility as they are quite logical. audie61 of course did contact some Sarawak MPs and mosts say its blown out of proportion. Really..?? 

One political secretary said,”the Deputy speaker must have a point.He is afterall sitting on the high chair and if has taken down the facts,statistics and number of times the Sarawak MPs does not have a case against him. Maybe he was trying to wake them up as some are sitting too nicely in their ‘comfort zones” That is his prerogative as he knows bests what he is letting himself into.

We tracked down the MP for Batang Sadong Nancy Shukri and we got this sms from her.This is the actual text,” Actually I dont wish to blow it up.But somebody has to speak d truth of Swak culture. We speak wt full of decorum.We in BN don’t make it a tradition n culture to outsiders,let alone thr d media,it suffices to say tht we did our part as elected leaders. the people cld c fr d media of our involvement. once we publicize our sensitiveness d opposition laugh at us. Thats why once and for all somebody has to respond.Otherwise, d opp will still tap on it saying that its proven BN reps r passive.B4 we make our sttmt we must think first.”

We say as always,”The people/voters are matured enough to vote for/vote out any Member of Parliament who are not carrying out their duties as an elected representative.Lets just not look down on the voters intelligence. Remember,this is not the 70s or 80s………..

PPP & PKR Sarawak “Eating Rice with Ice cream”

Whats your take on the Politica l crisis in PPP and PKR Sarawak..? You want a straight answer,”Its like eating rice with ice cream” says a mass media graduate. Rice with ice cream is nice but its not a daily thing which everyone consumes.  The politicians within these parties should be talking about BREAD AND BUTTER ISSUES instead of too much pushing for their own agendas and forgetting the very essence on WHY the parties are formed. 

Do we need to explain further? These two reports which appeared in the internet portal and english tabloid is sufficient to send mosts people up the mountain and be a HERMIT. The internet portal Malaysiakini writes and the full report  http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/106287  in which the Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein revealed that the ROS was considering issuing a show cause letter for PPP to explain why it should not be de-registered.

Furthermore he said,”he said that the ROS was still seeking explanations from several quarters, but investigations were being hampered by a lack of cooperation from certain groups.” Yummy,yummy now we say the rice will be tastier with ice cream and a bit of gravy on top. hik hik hik”

On the local front after covering a few days with a number of articles among them,”Restless souls in PKR Sarawak” and Anwar,”PKR Sarawak disintegrating H1N1” another statement from PKR State liaison secretary rebuking the PKR Batang Sadong Chief Sakawi Nahari in which it says that it clearly says,” Sakawi’s statement is his own personal comment.”  

Piee Ling went on further by saying,” The process of identifying capable leaders in fact began early this year.A lot of factors,including members views,have been taken into account before setting of the new line-up.

“As members we must respect the party’s final decision.It is the party’s democratic principle to let members address their grievances but the party has proper channels for this.” So it seems now Sakawi is being served ice cream with rice and taught how to take the bite and to swallow it.

A PKR senior strategists in a telephone conversation disapproved also with Sakawi’s outburst and he feels that Sakawi is only being used as a mouthpiece for someones agenda. Its my personal opinion only and there is a proverb,”MORE EATING RICE,LESS TALKING MOUTH.”

So Sakawi,”Prove your threat and lets see how many of you will pull out of PKR SARAWAK..??”  You should also be reminded that,”Half a truth engenders a new lie.”

We say as always,”The new voters are ready to tell the politicians about moving the country forward and they do not want to see too many infightings and unnecessary wastage of Brain Cells.” Have you tried EATING RICE WITH ICE CREAM..??

PKR SARAWAK “Ready for Battle”

They always say ,”Clean up your act FIRST before you face ……….. Need I elaborate ..?? I can’t really but as far as the Sarawak PKR Exco lists is concerned we append herewith for you to make your own political judgement.It is a well balanced line up and we shall see how they will present themselves to challenge the State BN parties in the next state elections. We wish them well and congratulations to the office bearers.

Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim

Datuk Hafsah Harun
Datuk Michael Bong
YB Dominique Ng Kim Ho

Mustaffa Kamil Ayub

YB Gabriel Adit
Baru Bian
Nicholas Bawin Anggat
Granda Aing
Wan Zainal Wan Sanusi
Baharuddin Mohsen
Dr Micahel Teo
Jawah Gerang
Augustine Liom
Jimmy Donald
Abg Zulkifli Abg Engkeh (Setiausaha)


Setiausaha : Piee bin Ling

Timbalan SU : Mexlian Gombek, Zulhaidah Suboh

Bendahari : Wong Huan Yu

Timb. Bendahari : George Chen

Penerangan : See Chee How (Ketua), Norhanim Mohsen, Zulrusdi Hol

Wanita : Ibi Uding

Angkatan Muda : Rahmat Aidil

Biro Pilihanraya : Mustaffa Kamil Ayub (Ketua), Hj Baharuddin, Voon Shiak Ni, Boniface Willy Tumek, Munan Laja, Dr Mansor Husin, Loo Chao Min, Harrison Ngau,Granda Aing, Zulrusdi Hol

Biro Strategi : Granda Aing (Ketua), Wan Zainal Wan Zanusi

Biro Pendidikan : Mansor Husin (Ketua), Stanney Embat, Zurinawati Zaidel

Biro Latihan : Lokman Aba Ibrahim (Ketua), Mumbang Hillary Mukit, Zulhaidah Suboh, Bobby Wiliam, Tan Tian Miine

Biro Integrasi : Paul Raja (Ketua), Dr Francis Ngu, Dr Idwar Bakkarudin, Lawrence Dick Sakalai

Biro Polisi : Dr Christopher Kiyui (Ketua), Angela Baginda, Frankie Bendindang Manjah, Abg Zulkifli Engkeh, Dr Lau Liak Koi, Mohamad Said @ Beti Gapur

Biro Kebajikan & Kesihatan : Abang Oothman Abg Gom (Ketua), Dr Michael Teo, Lina Soo, Vincent Sijem, Hung Soon Huo, Ceceilia Stannery

Biro Hak Asasi & Tanah : Augustine Liom (Ketua), Ali Basah, Henry Joseph, Desmond Khoo, Arif Ameran, Ahmad Nazib Johari

Biro Alam Sekitar & Sumber Alam : Harrison Ngau (Ketua), Simon Tiong, Mexlian Gombek, Ong Fook Fong

We say as always,”A well oiled TEAM will work wonders. If audie61 may quote which is often used by YB Dominique,”Nothing is Impossible in Politics” He has set the motions many a times in the Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) and now he has to walk the talk…The TEAM matters..Agree..???

YB’s “BODOH” Again..!!!

Like in any democratic country the elected representatives or YBs(Yang Berhormats) are all elected by the citizens of that country. When we were young we were taught by our parents and later on by our teachers/tutors/professors that we must show courtesy and be courteous to our fellow human beings. There is no room for bad language and if consistently the YBs who seems to be working against the very people who put him /her in the State or Parliament it is like writing a ” DEATH WISH/WARRANT.”

If the needs arise which needs further explaination or clarification to the YBs or MPs who fail to see their roles as elected representatives click here:-  http://www.answers.com/topic/parliament . What really got audie61 feeling very twitchy and touchy was this report which appeared in Malaysiakini   http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/105691. The point which really hit a HOME RUN for us was the usage of the word “BODOH” translated in English meaning Stupid. I bold it here to make a statement and it is a VERY UNPLEASANT PHRASE to use:-

Stupid can be bests described as

  • Slow to learn or understand; obtuse.
  • Tending to make poor decisions or careless mistakes.
  • Marked by a lack of intelligence or care; foolish or careless: a stupid mistake.
  • Dazed, stunned, or stupefied.
  • Pointless; worthless
  • We are not about to protect or blow it out of proportion a statement by Henneson Bujang or the Malaysiakini reporter Keruah Usit, who submitted this report which is being read worldwide in the blogsphere. If there are no truth in this statement let there be an APOLOGY forthcoming or a suit of defamation of character. 

    This extracted clearly implicates the N70 Ba’Kelalan State Assemblyman. Could he be following his fellow YB  N2 Tasik Biru in making the same mistake? Interestingly, both of them are from the same party SPDP(Sarawak Progressive Democratic party)” YB Nelson told us: ‘You are against the government. You are ‘bodoh’ (stupid)! You will be left behind. You will be blacklisted. We will not bring projects to you.’.

    “We replied that we are not against the government. We only want to protect our forest and our drinking water. We welcome the development projects that the government brings. Who wouldn’t?” Henneson asked

    On September 11th  this was the headlines which had the Bidayuh community up in arms against the remarks made by SPDP Senior Vice President. https://audie61.wordpress.com/2008/09/10/gila-gila-what-a-headline-malaysiakini/ 

    9 months later another miscalculated remark by an SPDP YB surfaces again in Malaysiakini. Couldn’t the YBs be more courteous and the saying goes,”Politicians who loses their cool or temper, it will be their greatest downfall. Nothing else.” Hope this doesn’t happen..?? Correct me If I am wrong..??

    Who are we to question the integrity and maturity of the voters who put the YBs,MPs in their respective houses. The fundamentals for those elected into office is simple,”Be Humble and Know who put you there in the first place”.

    audie61 will not take sides especially with YBs or MPs and lets make it very CLEAR. If Pakatan or BN elected representatives speak foul or uses the wrong terms/language we will do our part in condemning the elected representatives. We BOTHER thats WHY we take pains and effort to ensure that our YBs know who they are and where they stand. YOU ARE ELECTED BY THE PEOPLE AND DON”T FORGET THAT..!!!!!!!!!   

    We say as always,”There will be a time when the Elected representative leave office and if he has served well it is alright BUT if NOT I will not be surprise what they they have to put up with…Be forewarned..