Bersih 3.0″ DAP Senator NO to Dataran..??”

This breaking news from DAP Senator Tunku Abdul Aziz Tunku Ibrahim  should be commended. He said we extract,””They all start with peaceful intentions, no one want to cause chaos… But it can turn out to be violent and when that happens, who will be responsible?”

audie61 have been tweeted since yesterday and trying to tell Bersih chairperson Ambiga Sreenevasan the consequences of defying the authorities and also avoiding NEGATIVE WORLD PRESS. We extract some of our tweets,”

  • 1. Ambiga Bersih”so stubborn”The World media now knows that an”Alternative has been offered”Defiance is against instructions
  • 2. Laws are made by Man and can be broken.Laws are also to be followed Ambiga.The authorities have informed Bersih .
  • 3. BERSIH 3.0 will be clean no teargas as ALTERNATIVE of Stadium Merdeka offered. Dataran sit down what happens Blame AMBIGA
  •  4. This time if AMBIGA n Group are teargas the WORLD MEDIA cannot condemn.ALTERNATIVE GIVEN BY MAYOR OF KL.
  • 5. No need for Tears from teargas if BERSIH 3.0 in stadium AMBIGA to be blame if u cry or subjected to manhandled.
  • 6. BERSIH 3.0 Ambiga don’t use TIME as excuse n cannot turn crowd from DATARAN to STADIUM.DBKL can also TWEET,FB,SMS 4 u 
  •  7. AMBIGA makes mockery of Developed Malaysia where TWEET,SMS,HP,FB readily available n she says cannot inform ppl
  •  8.A mbiga Bersih 2days too late.”What are the social networking sites for? Malaysians don’t live in CAVES u know
  • 9. Ambiga”what lah? Merdeka stadium offered u said too late” what is the internet,twitter,facebook, media sites  for?

The above are 9 out of nearly 30 tweets and FB we have posted since yesterday and it has been retweeted to the personal tweeter of  Hishammuddin HOME MINISTER and also to Ambiga personally.


audie61 is also very pleased that ,”Tunku Abdul Aziz said it “irresponsible” of opposition lawmakers to support holding the rally at Dataran Merdeka because he believes act violates the law.
He added that Bersih should take up the authorities’ offer for an alternative venue as they are better at deciding security concerns.
“The whole idea is to protest. Why does it matter where? DBKL is the owner of (Dataran Merdeka),” he said.