“Twitting..Not but Radical Change..!!”

LEAD1The SUPP Saga continues. Seems the coffee cups and tables are about to be lifted from the floor as the ‘war of words” are anything but cordial. Surely,when they are asked to sit down in front of the PM or DPM,or CM the blame will be shifted to the newspapers,internet portals,blogs and now Facebook as MISQUOTING them. What can we say?

Someone has to take the wrap and even be buried alive in the ground. The question of SUPP and the other Chinese parties in Malaysia is simple. Who the “F&*#” meaning the urban voter who sees it clearly would vote for a party which is still involved in SERIOUS INFIGHTING.?

  • Any level headed voter would say ,”you think they can look after our interests? 
  • They are so involved in looking after their own chair that they don’t have time for us.
  • Why should we vote for them and the party?

There are no excuses and should not be anymore “B&*%S@#T for all this.

We look at how 2 BN parties turn round its fortunes. PRS (PARTI RAKYAT SARAWAK) and SPDP (SARAWAK PROGRESSIVE DEMOCRATIC PARTY)  are very clear examples of infighting. Both managed to clear all the messiness and with good machinery,strategic usage of resources they managed to win all their seats in GE13. After the storm the calm will set in and the political party leaders who are now seen as a thorn in BN’s butt needs to wake up to the REALITIES that once your time is up its up. Caution to all and its a fact  (There is no turning back and if you are still a YB/MP serve your constituents well or you will also pay the consequences of being voted out).

It’s a simple idiom,”they just need to put their house in order first” Here we are not trying to cross over the line by hitting hard at the parties but there should be a CUTOFF POINT and it must not continue or the party will be irrelevant. Selfish leaders will be the downfall of political parties and infighting will not win many friends outside with the voters.

BN Sarawak will go to the polls soon or at the latest in 2016 and SUPP a component party of BN Sarawak with 19 seats to be contested will have a rather ‘bumpy road” ahead. PBB 35,PRS 9 ,SPDP 8 will also face some tricky battles but will not be as bad as SUPP if their infighting does not solve itself soon.  We can write till the next election is called on SUPP but nothing beats the following quote which is the ULTIMATE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH.

Professor Sim SG SUPP said,” Politics is the art of making the impossible possible,but it needs big bold radical change,not twitting..”

Excellent but does SUPP have the stomach to go through with it? We remember telling the Youth chief Tan Kai that they are the youthful movement of the party and they need to voice out and tell the veteran leaders to step back and let the young ‘turks” take over the helm for the survival of the party. { There are surely the Presidential council for the party and veteran leaders who would want to see SUPP achieved its greatest height once more (19 Assemblyman and 7 MP’s.)


SHOULD WE WRITE MORE UNTIL THE NEXT TIME………lets have a nice meal with (………..

7 thoughts on ““Twitting..Not but Radical Change..!!”

  1. prs says:

    SUPP is now SOUP BONE PARTY without any integrity and dignity in the eyes of public,no matter how they reform it will remains as it is now.Memperbodohkan dan mempermainkan ahli-ahlinya sekian lama.Adalah lebih bermaruah jika dilsesapkan sekali.

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