Please..It’s “Laughter in the Rain”

Its coffee time and in the group around lunchtime were some lawyers,senior journalists and political party boys. Wow! Sweeping statement by the deputy speaker Junaidi.No,no,no Could the Hansard lie..? Valid point .Taken and well received by the group. So, that means that the deputy speaker and Santubong MP is correct in his statement today,” I’m not apologising

He even insists that the remarks are facts and based on constructive criticism which we have said in our article yesterday

So isn’t this “laughter in the rain..?” The full version for your listening pleasure to ease the political tensions and stress.Hmmmm… 


Another remark which had some of us in deep discussion was a Malaysiakini report which had this ,” Sarawak PKR leader Augustine Liom wants Dayaks in Barisan Nasional (BN) to join Pakatan Rakyat to change the state government.” Either its another laughter in the rain or PKR Iban leaders have suddenly got the courage to speak up to start another,”Dayakism revival in a different platform” through PKR. 

He went on to say this,”“The Dayaks now need a national party as their political vehicle. Sarawak National Party is nominally alive. Parti Bansa Dayak Sarawak is dead and gone. Malaysian Dayak Congress has not seen the light of the day.

anwar ibrahim 140509“What we need is a political vehicle, that is PKR, and we need Malays like Anwar Ibrahimright) to champion the Dayak cause, not Malays who will divide us or who will rob us of our NCR land.

“We place our trust in PKR and Anwar to champion the Dayak cause. This is a stark political reality we have to come to accept and to live with. There is now no alternative to that.”

Neil Sedaka says,” I call it laughter in the rain.” Can the Dayak leaders and political boys see this happening..?? Even Wan Azizah the PKR President has this to say,’“If we want to change Sarawak for the better, then it is now or never.” She could not be saying this is all “laughter in the rain could she..??

We say as always,”Sometimes singing a song or two will ease the  tensions that has descended upon the Political Landscape in Malaysia..Of course,you and i know politics is REAL and it cannot be laughter in the rain could it..??