The Agenda for the day in Sarawak yesterday June 1st in every nook and corner of Sarawak was Gawai Visitations a “Harvest Festival where greetings are exchanged and past irritations are put to rests. There is no room for bad feelings to be embroiled in this merry making day. It was all smiles and pleasantries.

Smses were used to give directions especially so as my in laws and family had an “Open House” in Kampung Sagah. The stream of visitors were non stop especially so as my inlaws and family members were very prominently known to have assisted many Bidayuhs,Malays, Chinese in whatever capacities. This part of the kampung is very closely knitted and many politicians from both sides of the political divide has benefited from the manpower and human factor.

It seems that Kampung Sagah folks  holds the key to three ADUN constituencies. It is Tasik Biru,Tupong and to a certain extent Opar. BN YBs have been seen moving around during Christmas and now are using the “open houses” concept to strengthened their grip on a very vulnerable situation. This vulnerability is bests explained by SKY a former MP in the Hornbill Unleashed blog in which it is entitled  ‘FREE YOURSELF FROM MENTAL PRISON”  http://hornbillunleashed.wordpress.com/2009/06/02/1596/ 

This extract from the blog,”

Whenever I floated the possibility of an alternative government in Malaysia one-day, voters like that would sneer at me and asked me to “dream on”. Even many opposition supporters in Sarawak today think that BN will be in power in my home state for eternity, simply because the Sarawak BN is too powerful and too rich, and the people are simply too stupid and too easily bought.

But the political climate has changed. audie61 ask,”Has the POLITICAL  CLIMATE CHANGED..??” Indeed it has and now the PKR State excos and team are also making their Gawai rounds led by the Acting State Chief Mustaffa Kamil Ayub. He made his presence felt at Grenda Aing( Bidayuh PKR Leader) and came a calling at my inlaws humble abode. Of course, the opposition members do make their usual rounds but this time the people are no more afraid or FEAR OF REPRISSALS to be seen in their company. This is the 1 Change which is very evident.

Previously, there was this very evident and within the next 48 hours there will be phone calls and unwanted invitations from political boys who will try to drive fear into the villages or kampungs. The accesibility of Bau/Lundu/Padawan  nowadays has made the Bidayuh YBS on their tenterhooks as they know their voters and constituents are immune to these threats. Those days it was called “COLD STORAGE TREATMENT” for government officials who were seen to be aligned to the opposition parties. Bidayuhs are known to be very self sufficient ,politically and intellectually matured and will stand no nonsense of being deprived of their political rights. I should know as my better half is from the  Bidayuh Hinterland. This is also the MENTAL TORTURE which is affecting the BN ADUNS as the State gears for the STATE Elections.

A Political secretary to the CM told me and I would like to quote,”L.A.(Lubok Antu was and we saw the might of BN machinery and if the State elections is called  BN would not have it easy. We need to work hard to keep a stanglehold of the state and everyone is needed.” How true and how very true… PRS has losts a substantial number fo grassroot leaders and they will also present a threat to some BN secure or UNTOUCHABLE seats. SUPP will try to regain losts gound and also preventing more losses. SPDP is looking solid while some PBB areas might just fall to PKR.


( Seen together with Mustaffa Kamil Ayub are some of the Sarawak Exco Members)

audie61 was the interested party listening to Mustaffa on his ideas of Sarawak. An elderly voter asked him,”What do you think will happen in Sarawak?” His answer is simple the voters will change in time to suit their needs and with the exposure being given by the TV,IT and their siblings they will be driven to accept what is bests for them. A wakil Rakyat is supposed to be seen on the ground and making sure their constituents are catered for to their bests of their abilities not only in monetary terms but in education and the whole socio-economic spectrum. There needs to be a balance in seeing that the GAP between the rich and poor is not so HUGE. Look at what the state governments of Kelantan,Selangor,Kedah and Penang  are doing. Obviously,Perak did well until the constitutional crisis. There was a lot of merrymaking and Mustaffa also took time off to sing together with some of the kampung folks. He seems acceptable as a “junior” to Anwar Ibrahim the de facto leader of PKR.

At this juncture Baharuddin Mohksen( Petra Jaya Divisional Chief) who was seemingly not too happy I should say with audie61’s version of ‘junior’ being used in an article on Mustaffa. Of course we did a little explanation even though we know of his track record and abilities. It was a simple “Chief Prefect” and A “Deputy Prefect” term which diffuse the whole SLIGHT misuse of English word.

 Baharuddin further said,” In PKR we do not sweep everything under the carpet unlike some parties and we engage in healthy political  differences. Our boardroom is open to discussion and seeing solutions and we take it on the chin if it to our advantage in the long run.”

It seems now that the whole hoo ha’s and Propaganda of wrestling Iban areas for PKR has somewhat toned down and now the focus is changing to Malay majority areas in which PBB has undoubtedly been seen as UNTOUCHABLE. There are no quick fixes or answers on how to dethrone and capture the prized seats of PBB. The PKR Malay candidates needs to do their politcal HOMEWORK and only then will they be a LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL

UMNO Sarawak Protem committees are not doing their part as the company which is directed to look after the committee seems to be too involved in getting projects to fund their movements. Its not so much that Central UMNO is not giving them a part to play but they have overused/spent  it to their own advantage and not helping UMNO  in a big way as assistance to PBB. We could easily or somewhat better  use the whole package deal to run UMNO Sarawak for UMNO if the whole package of  M$ 50 million out of the total MS243 direct negotiated contract be utilised by the proper administrated office.

 UMNO should come down hard on this companies who seek instant fortune $$$$$$ but not realising the needs of the RAKYAT. This is one of the many reasons UMNO has fallen way back behind Pakatan. Its a MENTAL TORTURE and PBB needs UMNO and likewise. Will UMNO just close its eyes on this..?? Will UMNO come down hard on the company behind the protem committee.( WE WILL PROVIDE MORE LATER)

Its all calm before the storm and Najib knows that he needs to act fast to quell the under currents that is swirling in and around Sarawak. The Sarawak government are happy with their allocations of funds but beneath that PBB is not too happy with UMNO protem not really seen going against the PKR Sarawak. This is politics we know as if UMNO Sarawak is seen as moving too fast and hard it will create a reverse stand. Each political party has its shelf life and if UMNO Sarawak is playing catch up and not utilising the $$$$ derived from the projects to assist they better CLOSE SHOP..

Its a way of telling  the Company dont make use of the Political Platform to hookwink projects. Will UMNO and Najib just let this be carried away like ‘BLOWN AWAY IN SIXTY SECONDS” Better not is the correct term..Its another Mental Torture for Najib and his new team. Enough of sweeties/goodies and time to use the whip for UMNO.

We say as always,”It’s QUESTION TIME FOR BOTH NAJIB AND ANWAR..?? Who do you trusts to push your AGENDAS forward. Believing in the wrong people will be DETRIMENTAL. A political overview needs to be thoroughly studied and implemented. WE would love to tell you more…hik hik hik