Audie61's Weblog

Obviously the No.1 aim is to take control of Putrajaya and the players involved meaning the other 220 MPs( Total 222 seats) will determine who will be the Prime Minister after GE13. 

Anwar keeps on painting the picture that the people are ready for change, to take over and his statement last night at Kota Baru,‘Even though people will be receiving the (RM500) BR1M (Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia), but I am confident that they are biding their time to cast out the BN”

This Message have reached the ears of Najib and the counter reactions will come swiftly and in politics nothing must be taken to chance. All the 222 SELECTED BN candidates must deliver likewise the 222 Pakatan or the realisation of their dreams will evaporate to wrestle control for their Political Commanders in Chief.

If you are not selected to be the candidate this time round you do not need a clairvoyant to…

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Audie61's Weblog

It seems what goes round comes around and 1987 Ming Court Affair will resurface if its left unchecked. PRS President James Masing has already blown the BUGLE at Kapit in the presence of 18 YBs plus party supporters and it seems these words,”,”Crisis Breeds Opportunities” at PRS press conference will haunt him. According to a veteran politician he says,’ James is very cunning and wily and as an Antropologists plus his political experience he knows how the human minds will react. 

Mawan who has been rather cool especially with his 5 Separatists YBs and 3 SC deserting him at SPDP PC has said,”,”Politics is about agreement and not disagreement.”

It seems the message has really caught on and CM Taib in this Malaysiakini report also echoed it out loud at the Rejang Regatta 2010,”He also reminded them that “there should be more agreements to do more things for the people…

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Audie61's Weblog

TAIB+MAHMUDThe symbol for the word “CRISIS” in Chinese is made up of two words:-DANGER and OPPORTUNITIES.

In every crisis ,every laws,every disappointments there’s both danger and opportunities. One can never run away from that.

Awang Tengah’s men are running HELTER-SKELTER( don’t misinterpret again OMG my english)and looking over their shoulders on who is coming after them.

Who made the TREES SHAKE?

We certainly did not as we did not mention AWANG TENGAH but his men. This has been building up and sensing that they are under attack some are hiding back in their foxholes.

Some even took the opportunity to point A FINGER but they forgot that FOUR (4) are pointing back at them. 2.

As the internet portal sarawakreport has specified with this article it seems that CM Taib could have been also charmed to sign off many deals. We are not saying Taib unknowlingly did that…

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