“2+3=8”..Complications of Sarawak

The whole weekend Marina was the focal point of every conversation in all corners of Sarawak. However what is most puzzling is that according to a parent,”How come Federal Officers or Ministers are so quiet on this issue? Our Ministers can harp and shout their voices hoarse from the longhouses rooftops but it will be too no avail. There seems to be a deafening calm and silence.

The headlines by Minister Of Land Development James Masing in the local Borneo Posts should be commended. His children are also mixed and they cannot run away from it. The whole story can be read by HERE. Out of curiosity what has happen to the some of the other Sarawak Federal Members of Parliament who should be making their voices heard now in Parliament on this issue.Only a handful dares to make their presence felt. Do we need to tell them that 2+3 does not equal to 8 before they come out of their cocoon shells/caves to fight for their own people. Are they so afraid of stepping on the WRONG  TOES..??

Do we need to tell them what to do? Can’t they organise themselves to be heard in a Press Conference in Parliament or get a signed Memorandum to deliberate on this issue. There is a serious need to look into this matter as PM Najibs “slogan 1 Malaysia” is but another rhetoric and going astray. In Sarawak one can say if you throw a COIN IN THE AIR IT WILL BOUND TO HIT A PERSON OF MIXED PARENTAGE. It’s not funny though as this issue will singularly bring down the Government of the Day.

Sarawak is the Bastion of BN Government with 30 out of 31 Parlaiamentary seats and 62 out of 71 State seats. It’s already out in the open now and the can of worms are wriggling free. The opposition have been harping on NCR issues in Sarawak,corruption,cronyism,abuse of powers,Penan rape cases  “To me, all these reports are not true” and many others and BUT ULTIMATEDLY THIS IS THE BIGGEST SINGULAR THORN THAT WILL INFLICT THE CORE  DAMAGE TO THE INVICIBILITY OF THE BN.

BN strategists will say to their respective bosses no way ,no way,no way but when it happens that the results are not as expected and there is a sudden shift of voters attitude the amount of $$$$$$ to bring them back in terms of development it will be a little too late. Some opposition leaders are at their little corner of their constituencies giggling and rubbing their hands with delight.

According to a number of analysts  BN should not be HOLED UP with this issue as Marina is tantamount and likened to be God’s Gift to the opposition. There are hundreds and thousands who are not accorded this status but are now saying,”If only Marina had appeared earlier…her grades are so much better than ours and she has made the right noises. ”

A close aide to James Masing said that the boss sees no other choice available to him but to confront the ISSUE OF MARINA headon as the Bumiputras in Sarawak are looking beyond this statement which James said,” It’s not just education we are talking about here,”. Now its up to the Fedral authorities to stand up and get their hands dirty or else it will be sooner rather than later the people will turn against the BN Governance.

2+3 equals 5 but we do make it a little too complicated at times for this country to move forward.  A chinese friend who had dinner with me said in jests,” Now we CHINESE can call ourselves Cinaputra.We dont want any complications now do we…hik hik hik ????